Programming Paradigms Illustrated

PPL 2021 - Week #1

This notebook illustrates various programming paradigms on a simple example. We use TypeScript to illustrate the concepts. We are asked to write a program to display a number value squared.

We will demonstrate multiple iterations over a program that fulfills the requirement, and how the program must be adapted when we introduce slight modifications of the requirement. We will eventually introduce the key advantages of the Functional Programming paradigm.

We first write a single command that performs as requested:

console.log(0 * 0); // ==> 0

The basic programming tool we used is a command - also called a statement.

The requirement is slightly changed: we are now asked to print square values for a range of integer numbers from 0 to 4.

The “level 0” program that fulfils this requirement is obtained by creating a sequence of commands:

console.log(0 * 0); // ==> 0
console.log(1 * 1); // ==> 1
console.log(2 * 2); // ==> 4
console.log(3 * 3); // ==> 9
console.log(4 * 4); // ==> 16

Structured Programming

Structured Programming starts with a critique of this “level 0” program:

To address these weaknesses, we introduce programming constructs that help us improve the program.

let numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
    console.log(numbers[i] * numbers[i]);

// ==> 
// 0
// 1
// 4
// 9
// 16

The key “programming construct” that we have introduced in the programming language to support this scenario is the for-loop. This construct is closely associated to the array data structure. We also introduced variables - one for the array and one for the loop index which iterates over all the elements in the array (the i variable).

Now, if we want to apply the same program on different values (range 8 to 12 instead of 0 to 4), we need to copy the program, change the variable from [0…4] to [8…12]:

let numbers = [8, 9, 10, 11, 12];
for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
    console.log(numbers[i] * numbers[i]);

// ==> 
// 64
// 81
// 100
// 121
// 144

Procedural Programming

Procedural programming starts with a critique of structured programming:

Procedural programming improves on these weaknesses by introducing:

function printSquares(numbers) {
    for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
        console.log(numbers[i] * numbers[i]);

printSquares([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);
// ==> 
// 0
// 1
// 4
// 9
// 16
printSquares([8, 9, 10, 11, 12]);
// ==>
// 64
// 81
// 100
// 121
// 144

Procedures Interface

Procedures (also called functions) have a well defined interface:

The fact that the procedure is given a name is important: it is a form of abstraction. The name replaces a complex sequence of commands - and programmers can re-use the new procedure just by knowing its name. Procedures have parameters (the numbers parameter in the example above) and local variables (the variable i is introduced by the let construct as a local variable).

Consider a slight change in the requirements: instead of printing the square of the numbers, we want to print the cube of the numbers.

We address this change by introducing a new function, which represents what we want to do on each element in the range of numbers, and we adapt the function printSquares to invoke this function instead.

// We use a library function Math.pow 
function cube(number) {
    return Math.pow(number, 3);

function printCubes(numbers) {
    for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {

printCubes([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);
// ==> 
// 0
// 1
// 8
// 27
// 64
printCubes([8, 9, 10, 11, 12]);
// ==> 
// 512
// 729
// 1000
// 1331
// 1728

Abstraction Barriers

We see a first case of procedural abstraction in this example: the procedure printCubes iterates over an array, and applies the function cube on each element. The client of the printCubes procedure does not directly invoke the cube function - it is encapsulated inside the printCubes procedure.

If such discipline is applied systematically, we can enforce abstraction barriers between collections of procedures: higher-level procedures only call lower-level procedures. To support such discipline, some languages introduce concepts such as modules or packages.

See here for a discussion of Abstraction Barriers. We will return to this notion when we discuss Abstract Data Types.

Testing Requirements

We want to provide the capability to verify that a procedure is correct according to its specification.

The function printCubes above is difficult to test - because it receives a parameter, but the only result of its execution is that a series of numbers are printed on the console. It is impossible to write an automated test that will verify that the procedure behaves as expected given a specific input.

To address this limitation, we will refactor the program in 2 stages - data transformation and data output. The data transformation stage receives an input parameter and returns a transformed value. The data output stage only prints the transformed values. This allows us to test the data transformation procedure by feeding it some test data, and then checking that the output fulfills expectations.

function cubes(numbers) {
    for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
        numbers[i] = cube(numbers[i]);

function printArray(a) {
    for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {

function printCubes2(numbers) {

// Test
// ==>
// 0
// 1
// 8
// 27
// 64

To run an automatic test, we can now write a unit test in the following style:

import { expect } from "chai";
import { cubes } from "./lecture1";

describe("cubes", () => {
    it("does nothing to an empty array", () => {
        let numbers = [];

    it("does not change invariant cubes", () => {
        let numbers = [0, 1];
        expect(numbers).to.deep.equal([0, 1]);
    it("cubes the elements of an array", () => {
        let numbers = [1, 2, 3];
        expect(numbers).to.deep.equal([1, 8, 27]);

Problems with the Procedural Paradigm

At this point, we have a “nice” version of our program:

These “good features” were encouraged by the facilities of the programming language we use:

In other words, the language “encouraged us” to organize our program in a good manner.

When we “scale” to larger and more interesting programs, we face new types of problems:

We will return to these issues when we discuss variables and scopes. These aspects have motivated the development of the Object-oriented Paradigm.

For now, we will focus on the following issues of the procedural paradigm:

We turn to how these issues are addressed by FP.


Assume we run the procedure cubes in two concurrent threads (using an Executor as we have learned in SPL) on the same array numbers. (This is not possible in the TypeScript interpreter we are using - we will return to this aspect in the chapter discussing control flow - but variants of multi-threaded execution that can also cause safety problem are possible in TypeScript.)

function squares(numbers) {
    for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
        numbers[i] = numbers[i] * numbers[i];

let n89 = [8, 9];
// In Thread 1:
// In Thread 2:

The following execution scenario displays one possible outcome of this concurrent execution:

Thread 1 Thread 2
numbers[0] = 64  
numbers[1] = 81 numbers[0] = 64
  numbers[1] = 6561

At the end of the execution, numbers may contain [64, 81], [4096, 6561], [4096, 81] or [64, 6561] or some even more unexpected values.

The problem is caused by the uncontrolled access to the shared variable numbers by two independent threads. As learned in SPL, the solution to this lack of concurrency safety can be to either use immutable data structures or to enforce mutual exclusion using locks.

In the procedural paradigm, it is difficult to support immutability because shared variables and mutation are the natural way of passing information across procedures and modules. So that in the procedural programming paradigm, the default solution to enforce concurrency safety is to use locking.

But in turn, locking leads to problems of liveness - creating the possibility of deadlocks, starvation and other unpleasant phenomena.

In contrast, FP encourages immutable computation. We will develop this concept in the next chapter.

Note that even without threads, mutation can still lead to unsafe computation. We will see examples of this when we learn about asynchronous computation and the type of interleaved computation we can generate with generators and observables.

Declarative vs. Procedural: Performance Optimization

Consider the loop control structure as we defined it. It involves a counter variable i that is defined for the scope of the loop, initialized to 0, and mutated from 0 to the length of the array over which we iterate (with the i++ operator).

This is one way to iterate over the elements of an array - which is described step by step in a procedural way, as a precise recipe.

In contrast, in FP, one would prefer to use a more abstract operation, called map, which consists of applying a function over all the elements of a container, and returning a new container that contains the results.

function cubes3(numbers) {

cubes3([0, 1, 2]); // ==> [ 0, 1, 8 ]

The example above uses the map method of the array object. It receives as a parameter a function (cube). This is an example of functions as first class citizens in FP languages (also called higher order functions). We will return and define this in more details in the next chapter.

This version of the function does not change its parameter - instead, it returns a new array which contains the result. The result has the same length as the parameter. Note also that the operation map does not require a counter like i to iterate over the array. There is no mutation.

An alternative way to express the same FP tool is to use the map function instead of the Array map method. This is illustrated in this example, using the ramda package which provides a large set of FP facilities for JavaScript:

import * as R from "ramda";, [0, 1, 2]); // ==> [ 0, 1, 8 ]

Vectorizing Loops

The examples in Python in the following notebooks demonstrate how using a map-style program for loops leads to significant performance improvements:

The main reason such optimizations are possible is because the implementation of the map operation can exploit parallelism at the hardware level (run code on each of the cores of the CPU in parallel). Such optimizations are becoming increasingly important as the number of cores in hardware architectures is growing (for example, in a modern GPU, interpreters can exploit up to 4000 cores to parallelize maps over large arrays like images of video streams).

Note that such optimizations are only possible when we are sure the functions we apply over the loop are free of side-effect (do not mutate their parameters or other shared variables).

Functional Abstractions

Consider the procedural program we have investigated:

function cubes(numbers) {
    for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
        numbers[i] = cube(numbers[i]);

function printArray(a) {
    for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {

function printCubes2(numbers) {

We are given a slightly different requirement: compute the exponential value of all the elements in a list of numbers (instead of computing their cube).

To satisfy this in an easy way, we must find a way to pass the function we want to evaluate on each element as a parameter. Passing functions as parameters is possible in most paradigms, but it is made really easy in Functional Programming.


The pattern we require consists of evaluating a function given as a parameter to every element of an array given as a second parameter. The result is a new array - in keeping with the principle of no side effect / no mutation of FP: the original array is left unmodified.

This pattern is immensely useful and is called map. As we have seen above, we can invoke map in two forms in TypeScript:

[0, 1, 2, 3].map(Math.exp); // ==> [ 1, 2.718281828459045, 7.38905609893065, 20.085536923187668 ]

import * as R from "ramda";, [0, 1, 2, 3]); // ==> [ 1, 2.718281828459045, 7.38905609893065, 20.085536923187668 ]

And similarly, we can use our own cube or square function:, [0, 1, 2, 3]); // ==> [ 0, 1, 8, 27 ]

Compare this with the example above in procedural programming: we defined two functions printSquares and printCubes where the only difference was which function is applied on the elements of the array. Here, we have abstracted the function as a parameter.

Anonymous (Lambda) Functions

If we want to use a function that will only be used in the context of the map operation, we can use an anonymous function (also called a lambda function). The syntax in modern Javascript for lambda functions is:

(<parameters> ...) => <expression>

This is often called the fat-arrow notation. => x * x, [0, 1, 2, 3]); // ==> [ 0, 1, 4, 9 ]

The function syntax can also be used for anonymous functions - it requires the usage of the return statement: (x) { return x * x; }, [0, 1, 2, 3]); // ==> [ 0, 1, 4, 9 ]


Consider yet another slight change in the requirements: we want to apply a function to a list of numbers, and then keep only the values that are even.

function isEven(n) {
   return n % 2 === 0;

function mapAndKeepEven(f, a) {
    let fa =;
    let res = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < fa.length; i++) {
        if isEven(fa[i]) {
            res = res.concat(fa[i]);
    return res;
mapAndKeepEven((x) => x * x, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // ==> [ 0, 4, 16 ]

As the name of the function indicates, mapAndKeepEven is achieving two things at once - mapping a function and filtering the output according to the value of predicate (in our case, isEven).

The pattern of iterating over an array and keeping only elements that satisfy a condition is extremely useful.
FP languages include a function to make this operation easy to use - most often called filter.

Like map, we can invoke filter as a method of the array object or as a function with 2 parameters:

[1, 2, 3, 4].filter(isEven); // ==> [ 2, 4 ]

R.filter(isEven, [1, 2, 3, 4]); // ==> [ 2, 4 ]

Using filter, we can rewrite our function mapAndKeepEven in the following manner:

function mapAndKeepEven(f, a) {
    let fa =;
    return fa.filter(isEven);

Or in a more concise manner:

function mapAndKeepEven(f, a) {

We realize the function is quite general, and we can abstract away the isEven predicate:

function mapAndFilter(f, pred, a) {

Which we can invoke as follows:

mapAndFilter(cube, isEven, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]); // ==> [ 0, 8, 64 ]

The map and filter functions are very convenient to chain together, when they are used as methods of the Array class:

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map((x) => x * x).filter((x) => x % 2 === 0); // ==> [ 0, 4, 16 ]


Using and R.filter functions, instead of the Array methods, we compose them as follows (as opposed to chain):

R.filter(isEven,, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])); // ==> [ 0, 8, 64 ]

The operation that consists of composing functions is again a very general pattern. FP languages offer a function that receives as parameters a number of functions, and returns a new function which computes the composition of all the functions.

compose works in the following manner: R.compose(f, g) returns the function that computes for all parameter x the value f(g(x)).

let evenCubes = R.compose(R.filter(isEven),

evenCubes([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]); // ==> [ 0, 8, 64 ]

This example demonstrates three important aspects of the FP approach:

All of these features together encourage a style of programmation in which new functions are built incrementally from smaller functions. This method is the basis of what we call functional abstractions - such as the family of operators map and filter (and more we will get to discover) or the operator compose.

Reasoning about Code

Consider the following question about the function evenCubes: this is a function that first computes the cube of all the elements, and only then filters the results and keeps those that are even. Someone asks whether it would be possible to reverse the order of the operations - and first apply the filter and only then apply cube on the remaining elements.

That is, we want to compare the following two functions:



R.compose(, R.filter(isEven))

The motivation for this question is performance optimization: if we could filter first, and then apply the computation of the cube, we would save on the total number of computations performed to return the eventual result. That is, we know that compose(map, filter) is in general faster than compose(filter, map).

Naturally, we only want to perform this optimization if we can guarantee that the two functions are equivalent.

Function Equivalence

What does it mean that two functions are equivalent? In the mathematical sense, a function maps from one set of values (the domain of definition) to another set of values (the range of the function). Under these conditions, we will say that:

Given \(D\) the domain of the function \(f\), \(R\) the range of the function \(f\), \(f\) and \(g\) are equivalent, which we will write \(f \equiv g\) iff \(g\) has the same domain \(D\), the same range \(R\) and \(\forall x \in D, f(x) = g(x)\).

In the functional programming paradigm, a pure function has no side effect (no shared variables are changed when the function is invoked). The same definition of function equivalence as for mathematical functions can be used for pure functions - except for two aspects that are specific to computation:

The definition of functional equivalence becomes then:

\(f\) and \(g\) (pure computational functions in the FP paradigm) are equivalent iff whenever \(f(x)\) is evaluated to a value, \(g(x)\) is evaluated to the same value, if \(f(x)\) throws an exception, so does \(g(x)\), and if \(f(x)\) does not terminate, so does \(g(x)\).

Referential Transparency

Because this definition involves universal quantification (over all possible values of the parameter \(x\)), it is difficult to turn it into an operational process that can predict whether two functions are equivalent. It is the objective of programming languages semantic methods to provide tools to predict equivalence of programs.

The semantics of pure functional programs is much easier to develop than that of procedural programs with side effects - because it can be based on an inductive process of evaluation of expressions which only focuses on the structure of the input program. We will develop such tools in the course, relying extensively on a notion of types and the technique of structural induction.

The property of functional programs which makes this process easy is called referential transparency: it means that the value of a program (called an expression in FP) depends only on its sub-expressions, and that if you substitute a sub-expression in an expression by another expression that is equivalent, then the resulting expression is equivalent to the original.

Some consequences of referential transparency are that if one evaluates an expression twice, one obtains the same result. The relative order in which one evaluates (nonoverlapping) sub-expressions of a program makes no difference to the value of the program. This property enables optimization methods such as parallel evaluation of sub-expressions to speed up code.

Proving Functions Equivalence

In our simple example, we want to check whether: f = R.compose(R.filter(isEven), and g = R.compose(, R.filter(isEven)) are equivalent.

We add a notion of typing - so that we will check this equivalence on the domain of finite arrays of integer values. That is, we want to determine, for any value of a finite array of integer values \(a = [a_1, \ldots, a_l]\) whether \(f(a) = g(a)\).

We proceed as follows:

\[f(a) = filter(isEven, map(cube, a)) = filter(isEven, [cube(a_1), \ldots, cube(a_l)])\] \[g(a) = map(cube, filter(isEven, a)) = map(cube, filter(isEven, [a_1, ..., a_l]))\]

To continue this analysis, we need to express the effect of applying filter on an array. We will write it as follows:

\(filter(pred, [a_1, \ldots, a_l]) = [a_{i_1}, \ldots, a_{i_k}] \mid 1 <= i_1 < i_2 < \ldots < i_k <= l\),

\(\forall j \in \{i_1, \ldots, i_k\}\), \(pred(a_j)\) is true and \(\forall j \notin \{i_1, \ldots, i_k\}\), \(pred(a_j)\) is false.

Using this definition of the way \(filter\) is computed, we obtain:

\[f(a) = [cube(a_{i_1}), \ldots, cube(a_{i_k})] \mid \forall j \in \{i_1, \ldots, i_k\}, isEven(cube(a_j))\]


\[g(a) = map(cube, [a_{j_1}, \ldots, a_{j_m}]) = [cube(a_{j_1}), \ldots, cube(a_{j_m})] \mid \forall j \in \{j_1, \ldots, j_m\}, isEven(a_j)\]

To prove the equivalence, we must then prove that \(\forall i \in \mathbb{N}, isEven(i) = isEven(cube(i))\).

We leave the end of the proof to the reader.

Note that the logical axiom we use that represent the relation between the expression filter(pred, a) and its value, or between the expression map(f, a) and its value are the key steps of the logical proof of equivalence between the expressions.

Computation Steps

The key point of this example is that we can predict the equivalence of two functions by applying reduction steps, where the invocation of a function on arguments is described as a sequence of steps, where each step is described as a computation rule. We have seen above examples of such steps for the reduction of map and of filter.


Programming Paradigms

Functional Programming

Semantics of Programming Languages