TypeScript: Complex Data Types, JSON, Map, Filter, Reduce

PPL 2023 - Course Website

Practical Session - Week #1

How to Install Node.js and NPM on Windows

Node.js is a JavaScript interpreter. NPM (Node Package Manager) let’s you install software (libraries, plugins, frameworks and applications) used to build Node applications. Both are installed using the installer package avaiable from the Node.js web site. The isntallation is pretty straightforward:

  1. Download the LTS (version 18) Windows installer from nodejs.org
  2. Run the installer (the .msi file you downloaded in the previous step.)
  3. Follow the prompts in the installer (Accept the license agreement, click the NEXT button a bunch of times and accept the default installation settings).
  4. Restart your computer.

Test the installation:

More information:

For instructions on how to install other software that will be used throughout the course, please refer to the useful links section in the course web site. In particular, see instructions on how to install the TypeScript compiler tsc and the Visual Studio Code IDE.

1. Types of Values

A data-type is a classification of data which indicates what the programmer intends to do with the data. Types correspond to a set of values (eg. the boolean type corresponds to {true,false}, number type corresponds to the infinite set of numeric values), and they define the operations that can be done on the data (e.g. booleans can be computed using logical operators).

We pay attention to two distinguishable defintions: The type of a value (atomic/compound) and the type of a variable. The type of a variable may be declared by the programmer of inferred by the type of the value it stores. The type of a value is determined by a defined group to which it belongs. The type of a variable may be different than the type of the value it stores, but they must be compatiable.

Apart from atomic types (number, string, boolean), there are compound types. Javascript introduces two basic compound types: Arrays and Maps. In Javascript, compound types are called object types (note: not to be confused with the more standard term - object here simply refers to any value which is not an atomic type)


Arrays are the first basic compound type in Javascript. Here is an example of using arrays:

// This is how we declare an array containing the elements 16,8,27,13
let a = [16, 8, 27, 13];

// Here's how we use the Array compound value getter:
console.log(a[3]); // ==> 13

// There is also a slice method:
console.log(a.slice(1, 4)); // ==> [ 8, 27, 13 ]

Let’s check that it is a compound type:

console.log(typeof a); // ==> 'object'

And now the more specific reflection operator:

console.log(a instanceof Array); // ==> true

The array we defined above is homogeneous, meaning that it contains a single data type. The homogeneous array a above contains values whose types are number. Arrays in Javascript can be heterogeneous as well:

let manyArray = [1, 'a', '2', "The Dawn", true];

console.log(`manyArray = ${manyArray}`); // ==> manyArray = 1,a,2,The Dawn,true
Maps and Object.keys

Maps are the second basic compound type in Javascript:

// This is how we declare them
let map = { a: 1, b: 2 };

// This is how we use the Map compound value getter for the values:
console.log(map['a']); // ==> 1
console.log(map.a); // ==> 1
console.log(map['b']); // ==> 2
console.log(map.b); // ==> 2

// And for keys (relevant for both Arrays [the keys there are the indexes] and Maps)
console.log(Object.keys(a)); // ==> [ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4' ]
console.log(Object.keys(map)); // ==> [ 'a', 'b' ]
Variable Types

Javascript is a dynamic language, meaning that variables are not typed. But when a variable is bound to a value, we can inspect its type at runtime.

Typescript extends Javascript to introduce optional variable types - it is compiled into Javascript and at compilation time, type checking is performed. Let’s recall the example from the lectures:

let typedVarNum: number = 6;
let typedVarStr: string = "blue";
let typedVarBool: boolean = true;


2.1 JSON Review

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and is a standard way to serialize Javascript compound values into strings (and vice-versa). It is widely used to allow data exchange in server-client communication. It serves a role that is similar to XML.

JSON is a notation - that is, a way of writing Javascript values in a way that allows reading them back easily. Most Javascript values can be written in JSON - but not all of them.

Once you have a Javascript object, and once there is an agreed-upon-way of “stringifying” the object (in our case, the standard way is JSON.stringify()), then you can easily pass this string through the network, from a computer to a computer, as passing strings through the network is easy, and the receiving side can only do an agreed-upon way to parse the string into an object (in our case, the standard way is JSON.parse()).

The JSON interface defines the following two methods:

  1. JSON.stringify(o) - maps a value to a string
  2. JSON.parse(s) - maps a string written according to the JSON syntax to a value

JSON serves a similar goal to that of Serializable of Java that we saw in SPL.

let person1 = { name : "Yosi", age : 31, city : "Beer Sheva" };
let person1JSONString = JSON.stringify(person1);

console.log(`person1 serialized in JSON = ${person1JSONString}`); // ==> person1 serialized in JSON = {"name":"Yosi","age":31,"city":"Beer Sheva"}
console.log(`person1JSONString is of type ${typeof person1JSONString}`); // ==> person1JSONString is of type string
let person2 = JSON.parse(person1JSONString);

console.log(person2); // ==> { name: 'Yosi', age: 31, city: 'Beer Sheva' }
console.log(`person2 is of type ${typeof person2}`); // ==> person2 is of type object

Note that the way values are written in JSON is not exactly the same as we write them in a Javascript program - there are quotes (“”) around keys for example.

Note also that stringify() and parse() work on atomic values as well:

// note that the input to JSON.parse is a JSON string
console.log(typeof JSON.parse('2')); // ==> number
console.log(typeof JSON.parse('true')); // ==> boolean
console.log(typeof JSON.parse('"abc"')); // ==> string

The values that can be encoded into JSON (let us call them “JSON values”) must be one of the following types:

  1. string
  2. number
  3. boolean
  4. null
  5. a map where all the keys are strings and all the values are JSON values (recursively)
  6. an array where all the values are JSON values

The Javascript compound data types, arrays and maps, can be combined in a recursive manner. This applies to JSON as well.

The Javascript values that cannot be encoded into JSON strings are undefined and functions.

Let us look at an example of a complex value and how we can describe it in JSON and then how using types can help us describe its structure in a well-documented manner:

let studentsData = {
    department: "Computer Science", 
    students: [
        { name: "Alice", degree: "PhD" }
        { name: "Bob", degree: "MSc" },

let studentsJSON = JSON.stringify(studentsData);
console.log(studentsJSON); // ==> {"department":"Computer Science","students":[{"name":"Alice","degree":"PhD"},{"name":"Bob","degree":"MSc"}]}
console.log(`studentsJSON is of type ${typeof studentsJSON}`); // ==> studentsJSON is of type string
let studentsJSONParsed = JSON.parse(studentsJSON);
// ==> 
// {
//   department: 'Computer Science',
//   students: [ { name: 'Alice', degree: 'PhD' }, { name: 'Bob', degree: 'MSc' } ]
// }
console.log(`studentsJSONParsed is of type ${typeof studentsJSONParsed}`); // ==> studentsJSONParsed is of type object

We verified that this complex structure can be written into JSON, and then parsed back into an identical value (this is a round-trip that preserves the value).

We can look at the type of studentData as a tree of simpler values:

2.2 Documenting Complex Values with Type Annotations

We can describe this structure using the following TypeScript declaration:

    department: string;
    students: { name: string, degree: string }[]

This can be made more readable if we name the types, using the type alias TypeScript construct to name map compound types:

type Student = {
    name: string;
    degree: string;

type StudentsData = {
    department: string;
    students: Student[];

This type definition is useful to document the type of the expected values that we expect to read.

2.3 Working on complex JSON values

In this section, we will use the methods map, filter, reduce to operate over complex JSON values.

We will take a videos-database example (http://reactivex.io/learnrx/) as a basis for our examples.

Suppose you are a developer at the popular streaming-movie website Netflix, and that your system’s API uses JSON to communicate data. The JSON values we describe are actual JSON values returned by the Netflix API.

When searching for new movie releases, you send a query to the API, and obtain a JSON reply:

let newReleases = [
            "id": 70111470,
            "title": "Die Hard",
            "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/DieHard.jpg",
            "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
            "rating": 4.0,
            "bookmark": []
            "id": 654356453,
            "title": "Bad Boys",
            "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/BadBoys.jpg",
            "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
            "rating": 5.0,
            "bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
            "id": 65432445,
            "title": "The Chamber",
            "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/TheChamber.jpg",
            "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
            "rating": 4.0,
            "bookmark": []
            "id": 675465,
            "title": "Fracture",
            "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/Fracture.jpg",
            "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
            "rating": 5.0,
            "bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]

Let us describe the type of this value:

The corresponding TypeScript annotation is:

type Video = {
    id: number;
    title: string;
    boxart: string;
    uri: string;
    rating: number;
    bookmark: { id: number, time: number }[];

type Releases = Video[];

This type annotation lets us think about the data we obtained from the API as an array [v1, v2, v3, v4] where each item \(v_i\) is a map { id, title, boxart, uri, rating, bookmark }.

2.3.1 Map over an Array of Videos

We would like to transform this data into an array of { id, title } properties. This transformation is called a projection as we select only some of the properties in the input.

In terms of types, this transformation maps from the type Video[] into the type { id: number, title: string }[].

A procedural way to achieve this goal would be:

function getIDsAndTitles_1(reply) {
    let res = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < reply.length; i++) {
        res.push({ id: reply[i].id, title: reply[i].title });
    return res;

let newReleasesIDAndTitle = getIDsAndTitles_1(newReleases);
// ==> 
// [ { id: 70111470, title: 'Die Hard' },
//   { id: 654356453, title: 'Bad Boys' },
//   { id: 65432445, title: 'The Chamber' },
//   { id: 675465, title: 'Fracture' } ]

A functional way of achieving the same result uses the map method (seen in the reading material for week 1) to abstract away the loop and the mutations we observe in the procedural solution (i++, res.push()).

let newReleasesIDAndTitle = newReleases.map(x => ({ id: x.id, title: x.title }));
// ==> 
// [ { id: 70111470, title: 'Die Hard' },
//   { id: 654356453, title: 'Bad Boys' },
//   { id: 65432445, title: 'The Chamber' },
//   { id: 675465, title: 'Fracture' } ]

Note that in this version:

Let us note what is the type of the transformer function we pass as an argument to map: it gets as an argument x an item from newReleases - which is of type Video - and it returns a map of type { id: number, name: title }.

2.3.2 Filter an Array of Videos

The user is quite picky, and would like to search for new releases that have a rating of 5.0 only.

We can solve this problem using filter.

In terms of types, the operation we want to define maps an array of Video[] to an array of Video[]. This fits the definition of filter - which does not change the type of items in the array.

let newReleasesOfRating5 = newReleases.filter(x => x.rating === 5);
// ==>
// [ { id: 654356453,
//     title: 'Bad Boys',
//     boxart: 'http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/BadBoys.jpg',
//     uri: 'http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470',
//     rating: 5,
//     bookmark: [ [Object] ] },
//   { id: 675465,
//     title: 'Fracture',
//     boxart: 'http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/Fracture.jpg',
//     uri: 'http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470',
//     rating: 5,
//     bookmark: [ [Object] ] } ]

2.3.4 Reminder: Reduce and Neutral Elements as Initializers

Compare the following 5 invocations of reduce:

// Compute the sum of an array of integers
[1, 2, 3].reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur, 0); // ==> 6

// Compute the product of an array of integers
[1, 2, 3].reduce((acc, cur) => acc * cur, 1); // ==> 6

// Compute the logical and of an array of booleans
[true, false, true].reduce((acc, cur) => acc && cur, true); // ==> false

// Compute the logical or of an array of booleans
[true, false, true].reduce((acc, cur) => acc || cur, false); // ==> true

// Compute the max of an array of numbers
[3, 1, 4].reduce((acc,cur) => Math.max(acc,cur), 0); // ==> 4

Note that in all 5 cases, the initializer passed to reduce(reducer, init) is the neutral element of the reducer operator (0 for +, 1 for *, true for and, false for or).

This makes sense in general - and allows one to answer the puzzling question of what should be the value of reduce when applied to an empty array. The general answer is that it should be the neutral element of the reducer.

NOTE: the max version takes as an initializer the value 0. This is not correct when the array can contain negative numbers. What should be the initial value in this case?

2.3.5 Rectangle Selection with Reduce

A user has chosen to view movies as boxarts (that is, the image that is shown for each movie), as it is easier to select movies according to their boxarts. The API returned the following value as a reply to our query:

let boxarts = [
    { width: 200, height: 200, url: "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/Fracture200.jpg" },
    { width: 150, height: 200, url: "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/Fracture150.jpg" },
    { width: 300, height: 200, url: "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/Fracture300.jpg" },
    { width: 425, height: 150, url: "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/Fracture425.jpg" }

Let us define the type of this returned value: it is a homogeneous array of maps. Each map describes a boxart.

type Boxart = {
    width: number; 
    height: number;
    url: string;

We would like to find the largest box-art image size, so that we could know what is the maximal size of the image placeholder should be. We measure rectangles by their area (\(width \times height\)).

A straightforward way to do this is by going over each boxart, and keeping a temporary variable that holds the largest size out of the boxarts we have seen so far.

In terms of types, the transformation maps an array Boxart[] into a number. Let us annotate this type into the function definition:

type Boxart = {
    width: number; 
    height: number;
    url: string;

function maxBox(boxes: Boxart[]): number {
    let maxBox = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
        let curBoxSize = boxes[i].width * boxes[i].height;
        if (curBoxSize > maxBox) {
            maxBox = curBoxSize;
    return maxBox;
maxBox(boxarts); // ==> 63750

This is a case of a loop to accumulate a value from an array of values. In terms of types, it maps an array to a single value. The reduce method fits perfectly for this scenario: The reduce method takes as parameter a reducer function and an initial value, and returns the accumulated value.

The reducer function takes two arguments: the current accumulator, and the current item. The return value of the reducer function is the “successive” value of the accumulator parameter. That is, the result of some operation applied to the current accumulator, and the current item.

Our current accumulator should be the current largest box-art image size, and the initial value should be 0.

let largestBoxartSize = boxarts.reduce(
    (curMax,curBox) => {
        let curBoxSize = curBox.width * curBox.height;
           if (curBoxSize > curMax) {
               return curBoxSize;
           } else {
               return curMax;
    }, // this is the reducer function
    0  // this is the initial value
console.log(largestBoxartSize); // ==> 63750

Indeed, the largest boxart image size is 63750, which is the 4th boxart.

Note that this version has no side effect, no mutation and no loop.

We can make this version more readable by using the Math.max function - to express clearly that what we are doing in this reduce invocation is the identification of the max of an array. We also annotate the expected type of the parameters in the reducer.

const boxSize = (box: Boxart) => box.width * box.height;
let maxBoxSize = boxarts.reduce((curMax: number, curBox: Boxart) => Math.max(curMax, boxSize(curBox)), 0);

console.log(maxBoxSize); // ==> 63750

2.4 Tree Values

Some replies will be more complex than what we have witnessed above: it is very often that we face replies that have a tree form, as opposed to a flat homogeneous array.

One example of such, is the following API reply - which returns values grouped by movie genre (“New Releases”, “Dramas” …)

let movieLists = [
            name: "New Releases",
            videos: [
                    "id": 70111470,
                    "title": "Die Hard",
                    "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/DieHard.jpg",
                    "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
                    "rating": 4.0,
                    "bookmark": []
                    "id": 654356453,
                    "title": "Bad Boys",
                    "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/BadBoys.jpg",
                    "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
                    "rating": 5.0,
                    "bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]
            name: "Dramas",
            videos: [
                    "id": 65432445,
                    "title": "The Chamber",
                    "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/TheChamber.jpg",
                    "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
                    "rating": 4.0,
                    "bookmark": []
                    "id": 675465,
                    "title": "Fracture",
                    "boxart": "http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/Fracture.jpg",
                    "uri": "http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470",
                    "rating": 5.0,
                    "bookmark": [{ id: 432534, time: 65876586 }]

To document the structure of this value, let us write its type:

The TypeScript definition is thus:

type VideoCategory = {
    name: string;
    videos: Video[];
type VideoCategories = VideoCategory[];

The structure of the value is thus a tree: \([ category_1, category_2 ]\) where \(category_i\) is of the form:
{ name: string, videos: [v1,...] }.

These kinds of trees impose a challenge when working with them: if we apply map or filter, the transformer or the predicate will receive as argument a VideoCategory object. If we want to process the embedded Video objects inside the categories, we must first flatten the tree.

Suppose we would like to have a list of all movie ids in that tree. The most trivial way, as before, is to do the following (using a foreach loop):

let movieIds = []
movieLists.forEach(category => category.videos.forEach(video => movieIds.push(video.id)));
console.log(`movieIds=${movieIds}`); // ==> movieIds=70111470,654356453,65432445,675465

forEach abstracts a single loop. The embedded calls to forEach inside forEach reflects the two-level traversal of the tree.

Note that forEach is not a functional style: this is precisely the type of operations we want to abstract away using map/filter/reduce. This version has an accumulator variable (movieIds) which we must initialize and then mutate as part of the forEach iteration.

Not a functional solution…

The general feeling of the task we want to perform is an accumulation - so that reduce seems to be the good tool. But we cannot apply reduce as is, because reduce would work on Category values and we want to accumulate Video values.

Alternatively, we could attempt to use map as we are mapping Video values into number values. But again, we cannot map over Categories - we need to map over Videos - so that map cannot be used directly.

Let’s recall the concat method of arrays:

let arrayOne = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let arrayTwo = [5, 6, 7, 8];
arrayOne.concat(arrayTwo); // ==> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]

In contrast to push, concat does not mutate its arguments - it returns a new array and can be used safely.

If we reduce an array of arrays and accumulate using the concat operator, we will get a method that flattens one level of an array of arrays:

let a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]];
a.reduce((acc, curr) => acc.concat(curr), []); // ==> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]

We now need to apply a mixture of map and reduce in order to map and flatten:

// We want the following as an array of the numbers:
let a = [{ group: 1, numbers: [1, 2, 3] }, { group: 2, numbers: [4, 5, 6] }];
a.map(x => x.numbers).reduce((acc,curr) => acc.concat(curr), []); // ==> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]

2.4.1 The Ramda package

Ramda is a library of functions designed to facilitate functional programming in JavaScript.

Ramda includes a function called chain (often also called flatmap) which can come handy in our last example: If we want to return all of the results as a single flat array instead of as an array of arrays, then we can use Ramda’s chain:

import * as R from "ramda";

R.chain(x => x.numbers, a); // ==> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]

The chain function goes through an array, and flattens the result of ‘doing something’ (which can be ‘nothing’ or applying a ‘mapping’) by one level.

Back to our videos example, if we chain the movieLists with a function that just returns the category videos, then the result would be an array containing the videos. As such:

R.chain(category => category.videos, movieLists);
// ==>
// [ { id: 70111470,
//     title: 'Die Hard',
//     boxart: 'http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/DieHard.jpg',
//     uri: 'http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470',
//     rating: 4,
//     bookmark: [] },
//   { id: 654356453,
//     title: 'Bad Boys',
//     boxart: 'http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/BadBoys.jpg',
//     uri: 'http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470',
//     rating: 5,
//     bookmark: [ [Object] ] },
//   { id: 65432445,
//     title: 'The Chamber',
//     boxart: 'http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/TheChamber.jpg',
//     uri: 'http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470',
//     rating: 4,
//     bookmark: [] },
//   { id: 675465,
//     title: 'Fracture',
//     boxart: 'http://cdn-0.nflximg.com/images/2891/Fracture.jpg',
//     uri: 'http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/70111470',
//     rating: 5,
//     bookmark: [ [Object] ] } ]

The only change that is left, is that we do not want the category videos flattened, rather something extra: taking the category.videos and mapping each element there to its id.

R.chain(category => category.videos, movieLists).map(video => video.id); // ==> [ 70111470, 654356453, 65432445, 675465 ]

It helps to annotate the types of the arguments in such chained transformations to document and verify their correctness:

R.chain((category: VideoCategory) => category.videos, movieLists).map((video: Video) => video.id); // ==> [ 70111470, 654356453, 65432445, 675465 ]

3. Exercises

3.1 Implement the map method using reduce

Let’s think step by step: What should be our accumulated value? It is natural to think that the accumulation consists in ‘pushing’ the current element as a mapped value to the currently accumulated array.

To that end, the initial value should be the empty array. As we go, we will take the current element, and our next accumulator will be the current accumulator, only expanded by the current element after it is mapped by the transformer.


3.2 Implement filter using reduce

What should be changed in the solution of the previous exercise?

We can skip adding the current element if it does not satisfy the predicate, in which case the next accumulator will not change. However, if the current element does satisfy the predicate, we will set the next accumulator to be the current one, only enlarged by the current element


3.3 Implement some and every using map and reduce

some(pred) is a method that returns true if and only if at least one element in an array satisfies a given predicate.

every(pred) is a method that returns true if and only if all the elements in an array satisfy a given predicate.

For example:

let even = (x => x % 2 == 0);
let arr1 = [1,2,3,4];
let arr2 = [1,3,5,7];
let arr3 = [2,4,6,8];
let arr1HasEvenNumbers = arr1.some(even);
let arr2HasEvenNumbers = arr2.some(even);
let allInArr1AreEven = arr1.every(even);
let allInArr3AreEven = arr3.every(even);
console.log(`arr1HasEvenNumbers = ${arr1HasEvenNumbers}`); // ==> arr1HasEvenNumbers = true
console.log(`arr2HasEvenNumbers = ${arr2HasEvenNumbers}`); // ==> arr2HasEvenNumbers = false
console.log(`allInArr1AreEven = ${allInArr1AreEven}`); // ==> allInArr1AreEven = false
console.log(`allInArr3AreEven = ${allInArr3AreEven}`); // ==> allInArr3AreEven = true


A way to implement some is by mapping the array to true/false values of whether each element satisfies the predicate, and then doing an accumulated logical or between the elements using reduce, with the initial accumulator equal to false.

Similarly, we can implement every in the same way as above, except that we need to use a logical and and our initial accumulator should be true.


Shortcut Semantics

The native some and every methods employ a concept known as ‘shortcut semantics’. What this means, is that some stops and immediately returns true at the moment it finds an element that satisfies the predicate. every stops and immediately returns false at the moment it finds an element that does not satisfy the predicate.

Question: does our implementation satisfy shortcut semantics?

It is difficult to distinguish between shortcut semantics and non-shortcut semantics because both shortcut and non-shortcut versions return the same values for all parameters.

Can we conclude that a shortcut and non-shortcut versions of some are equivalent according to the definition of function equivalence we provided in class?

Remember though the difference between mathematical function equivalence and programming functions equivalence: 2 programming functions f and g are equivalent if they have the same domain, same range and for all values in the domain:

How can we then distinguish between a shortcut semantics version of some and one that is not shortcut?

The solution is to choose parameters that will distinguish between the two computations using either non-termination (infinite loops) or errors.

Let us define such an example on arrays of numbers. We can trigger an error in JavaScript by using the throw primitive.

To test whether an error was thrown, we use the same syntax as in Java - with try/catch.

const throwOnZero = x => {
    if (x > 0)
        return true;
        throw false;

let a = [1, 0];

try {
} catch (e) {

The code above returns true.

const someExercise = (pred, arr) => arr.map(pred).reduce((acc, cur) => acc || cur, false);

try {
    someExercise(throwOnZero, a);
} catch (e) {

The code above will return false.

By using deliberate error throwing, we are able to distinguish between shortcut and non-shortcut semantics on the definition of the some function.

The next question that arises is whether we can define a version of some using reduce that has shortcut semantics. We will revisit this question in Chapter 3 of the course, when we introduce generators.