Generators, Lazy Lists

PPL 2023

In this section, we continue our analysis of control structures and the relation it has with delayed computation. We first return to the notion of coroutines, which we met in Section 4.1 in JavaScript, and attempt to simulate coroutines in the programming language \(L5\).

We then refine our understanding of such coroutines by describing them as an abstract data type which involves closures as delayed computations. We call this type is called a lazy list (also known as streams). We present a programming style based on lazy lists which has become known as the functional reactive programming paradigm. This style is particularly important in User Interface programming, and is prevalent in popular frameworks such as Angular with RxJS and ReactiveX.

Constructing Coroutines with Delayed Computation

Consider the following generator example in JavaScript, using the language constructs of function*, yield and the Iterator interface with the IteratorResult data type:

function f1(n) { return n+1; }
function f2(n) { return n+2; }
function f3(n) { return n+3; }
function* gen1(n) {
  yield f1(n);
  yield f2(n);
  yield f3(n);

const g11 = gen1(0)
// --> { value: 1, done: false }
// --> { value: 2, done: false }
// --> { value: 3, done: false }
// --> { value: undefined, done: true }

Let us build a function which behaves in a similar manner in \(L5\).

Using (lambda () …) to Delay Computation

The basis of the model is to use (lambda () …) to delay computation we do not want to execute immediately. This is similar to the way we proceeded when defining the CPS approach: delayed computation is wrapped in closures.

A Functional Version of Iterators

There are two ingredients to coroutines in JavaScript:

Let us model iterators in our functional language \(L5\). An IteratorResult in JavaScript has two fields: value and done.

interface IteratorResult<T> { value: T; done: boolean; }
interface Iterator<T> { next(): IteratorResult<T>; }

Through the usage of the method next(), we understand that objects which implement the Iterator interface are mutable. For example, the state of the generator g11 in the example above is updated, so that each time we call we obtain a different value. Each time next() is invoked, the generator advances to the next step of the computation - and it stops before completing the rest of the computation, until a new next() invocation.

To adapt this mechanism to a functional language, we must disentangle the mutation from the aspect of delaying computation. We thus define a data type for iterators which is immutable. We adopt the general approach of persistent mutable datatypes in Functional Programming which we discussed in Section 1.4 with the Stack example. The key ingredient of this approach is to define each mutator function as a constructor. We thus obtain an iterator data type with two constructors: yield and next:

;; An iterator is either the "done" iterator or a pair with the 
;; current value of the iterator and a continuation which returns
;; the next value of the iterator when evaluated.
;; Type Iterator<T> = done | Pair(T, (Empty -> Iterator<T>))

;; Purpose: The yield Iterator constructor takes 2 arguments:
;; - The value to return to the caller
;; - The continuation to be executed when the Iterator is resumed (by invoking next())
;; Signature: yield(result, continuation)
;; Type: [T * [Empty -> Iterator<T>] -> Iterator<T>]
(define yield
  (lambda (res cont)
    (cons res cont)))

;; An iterator has 2 fields:
;; - Next: execute the next step of the computation of the generator
;; - Value: access the current value of the generator
;; And a state predicate 
;; - done?: determines whether the generator has reached the end of the 
;;          computation.

;; The accessors are iter->next, iter->value and iter->done?
;; iter->next computes the next step of the iterator.

;; Iter->next is a constructor - it returns the value of the next
;; iterator by invoking the continuation.
;; Once an iterator is done, next keeps returning done.
;; Else - next computes the next step of the iterator by invoking the continuation.
(define iter->next
  (lambda (iter)
    (if (iter->done? iter)
        (let ((cont (cdr iter)))
          (if (eq? cont 'done)

;; The value of a done iterator is 'done.
;; Else read it from the pair.
(define iter->value
  (lambda (iter)
    (if (iter->done? iter)
        (car iter))))

(define iter->done?
  (lambda (iter)
    (eq? iter 'done)))

Using the Iterator ADT to construct a Generator in \(L5\)

Let us now use the iterator datatype we just defined to implement in \(L5\) the coroutine g2 which mimics the same behavior as g1 in JavaScript.

The implementation is a bit unpleasant because we need to explicitly add (lambda () …) to delay the next steps of the computation after a yield.

;; Consider the following function g1
(define f1
  (lambda (n)
    (print (+ n 1))
    (+ n 1)))
(define f2
  (lambda (n)
    (print (+ n 2))
    (+ n 2)))
(define f3
  (lambda (n)
    (print (+ n 3))
    (+ n 3)))
(define g1
  (lambda (n)
    (f1 n)
    (f2 n)
    (f3 n)))

;; Coroutine version of g1 with interruptions after each sub-function
(define g2
  (lambda (n)
    (yield (f1 n) 
           (lambda ()
             (yield (f2 n)
                    (lambda ()
                      (yield (f3 n)

;; Invoke g2 and resume it
(let ((iter (g2 0)))
  ;; Iter is of the form (res . continuation)
  (print (iter->value iter))
  (iter->next iter))
;--> 112'(2 . #<procedure:...c/coroutine1.rkt:101:20>)

The execution yields the following process:

As was the case in JavaScript, we can use the Iterator Abstract Data Type to model infinite sequences.

;; ========================================================
;; An infinite generator with yield
(define integers
  (lambda (from)
    (letrec ((loop (lambda (n)
                     (yield n (lambda () (loop (+ n 1)))))))
      (loop from))))

(define id1 (integers 0))

Consuming Generators

In JavaScript, we used the generalized loop construct for x of gen ... to conveniently consume the values produced by a generator.
Similarly, we define functions to ease the consumption of \(L5\) generators.

;; ========================================================
;; Generator / Iterator manipulators

;; Purpose: add one item at the end of a list.
;; Type: [List(T) * T -> List(T)]
(define concat
  (lambda (elts item)
    (append elts (list item))))

;; Purpose: convert a finite iterator to a list.
;; Warning: would enter in an infinite loop on an infinite generator.
;; Type: [Iterator(T) -> List(T)]
(define iter->list
  (lambda (iter)
    (letrec ((loop (lambda (iter res)
                     (if (iter->done? iter)
                         (loop (iter->next iter)
                               (concat res (iter->value iter)))))))
      (loop iter (list)))))

;; Purpose: return the first n elements generated by an iterator as a list.
;; Type: [Iterator(T) * Number -> List(T)]
;; Returns a list of up to n elements - can be less if the generator is done before.
;; On a done iterator, returns an empty list.
(define iter->take
  (lambda (iter n)
    (letrec ((loop (lambda (iter n res)
                     (if (<= n 0)
                         (if (iter->done? iter)
                             (loop (iter->next iter)
                                   (- n 1)
                                   (concat res (iter->value iter))))))))
      (loop iter n (list)))))

;; Purpose: return an iterator that yields at most n elements from another (possibly longer or infinite) iterator.
;; Type: [Iterator(T) * Number -> Iterator(T)]
(define iter->take*
  (lambda (iter n)
    (if (= n 0)
        (yield (iter->value iter)
               (lambda () (iter->take* (iter->next iter) (- n 1)))))))

With these functions, we can easily consume elements from a generator:

(iter->list (g2 0))
;--> '(1 2 3)

(iter->take (integers 0) 10)
;--> '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

Higher-Order Generator Functions

One can refer to generators as lists in comprehension, and accordingly define higher-order functions similar to the map/filter/reduce family we explored in Chapter 1 for lists.

;; Purpose: apply the procedure proc on each of the elements of a generator.
;; This consumes all the elements of the generator.
;; Type: [(T1 -> T2) * Iterator(T1) -> Void]
(define iter->for-each
  (lambda (proc iter)
    (cond ((iter->done? iter) iter)
          (else (proc (iter->value iter))
                (iter->for-each proc (iter->next iter))))))

;; Purpose: create a new generator returning (proc x) for each item x generated by iter.
;; Type: [(T1 -> T2) * Iterator(T1) -> Iterator(T2)]
(define iter->map
  (lambda (proc iter)
    (if (iter->done? iter)
        (yield (proc (iter->value iter))
               (lambda () (iter->map proc (iter->next iter)))))))

iter->map constructs a new generator on the basis of an existing one. The resulting generator produces the same number of items as the original one.

(iter->take (iter->map (lambda (x) (* x x)) (integers 0)) 10)
;--> '(0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81)

(iter->for-each (lambda (i) (print i)) (iter->take* (integers 0) 10))
;--> 0123456789'done

A Mutable Alternative Implementation of Generators

We could design a slight variant of the generators abstract data type using mutation. This gives a result which behaves in a manner more similar to JavaScript generators.

The main idea of this model is that the next() operation must now actually mutate the generator. Hence, the generator must hold a state - which remembers at any given stage the current value and the continuation needed to produce the next state.

The following funtion illustrates how we obtain this behavior.
In this function, the make-generator constructor creates a closure which encapsulates the state of the generator - which is a generator as described above. The closure we construct exposes an interface for a 'next! operation and a value accessor operation. The client interfaces with the generator by sending a message with the name of the operation it wants to run.

(define make-generator
  (lambda (thunk)
    (let ((gen (yield 'init thunk)))
      (lambda (op)
        (cond ((eq? op 'next!)
               (set! gen (iter->next gen))
               (iter->value gen))
              ((eq? op 'value)
               (iter->value gen))
              (else (error "Unknown operation")))))))

;; Same as g1 with interruptions and resume with mutable generator
;; g3 behaves like the value of function* in JS
(define g3
  (lambda (n)
     (lambda ()
       (yield (f1 n) 
              (lambda ()
                (yield (f2 n)
                       (lambda ()
                         (yield (f3 n)

(define gen (g3 0))
(gen 'next!)
;--> 11
(gen 'next!)
;--> 22
(gen 'value)
;--> 2
(gen 'next!)
;--> 33
(gen 'next!)
;--> 'done

Lazy Lists Derivation as Abstract Data Types

We derived above the definition of Generators in \(L5\) by mimicking the behavior of coroutines in JavaScript and attempting to derive a functional implementation of coroutines using delayed computation with (lambda () ...) as the delaying operator and functional mutable data structures.

Let us revisit this derivation of functional generators with one more model, based on type analysis. We obtain an almost identical result - the focus here is on describing generators as sequences by describing their data type. (This material is from PPL Book, Mira Balaban 4.2).

Reminder: The List Data Type in Scheme

We define the regular list data type through an inductive type definition:

List(T) = Empty | Pair(T, List(T))

This means that the set of all List(T) values contains:

We define a functional interface on this data type consisting a value constructor (cons), two accessors (first and rest also known as car and cdr) and two type predicates empty? and list?.

Adapting the List Data Type to Lazy-Lists

We derive a similar type definition for lazy lists – that is, lists whose first element is known and the rest of the list is a delayed computation which describes how to compute the rest of the list. The list is not built in extension by filling it in memory with its items, but in comprehension by describing which elements belong to the list as a computation instead of listing the elements that belong to the list.

The way this idea is implemented in a large range of programming languages is described in this Wikipedia article on List Comprehensions. List Comprehensions are particularly popular in Python.

To describe this idea as a data type definition, we use the following type equation defining the new Lzl data type (which stands for Lazy List):

Lzl(T) = Empty-Lzl | Pair(T, (Empty -> Lzl(T)))

In words, this means a value belongs to the type Lzl(T) either if it is the empty lazy list (Empty-Lzl) or if it is a pair with a first element of type T and the second element is a continuation, which when computed produces a Lzl(T) value.

We derive from this type definition the functional interface to manipulate values that belong to the type:

;; The empty lazy list value (a singleton datatype)
(define empty-lzl '())

;; Purpose: Value constructor for non-empty lazy-list values
;; Type: [T * [Empty -> LZL(T)] -> LZT(T)]
(define cons-lzl cons)

;; Accessors
;; Type: [LZL(T) -> T]
;; Precondition: Input is non-empty
(define head car)

;; Type: [LZL(T) -> LZL(T)]
;; Precondition: Input is non-empty
;; Note that this *executes* the continuation 
(define tail
  (lambda (lzl)
    ((cdr lzl))))

;; Type predicate
(define empty-lzl? empty?)

This definition parallels that of regular lists - as recursive data types defined inductively. The only difference is that the tail of the list is delayed by using a (lambda () ...) wrapper.

Explore the behavior of these definitions on simple values:

(define lzl1 empty-lzl)
(define lzl2 (cons-lzl 1 (lambda () lzl1)))
(define lzl3 (cons-lzl 2 (lambda () lzl2)))

(head lzl3) 
;--> 2

(tail lzl3)
;--> '(1 . #<procedure>)

(head (tail lzl3))
;--> 1

(emptly-lzl? (tail (tail lzl3)))
;--> #t

Because the tail of lazy lists is computed, we can build inductively infinite sequences. In contrast to regular recursive functions, lazy lists can be defined inductivey without a base case to terminate the recursion.

;; Signature: integers-from(n)
;; Type: [number -> LZL(number)]
(define integers-from
  (lambda (n)
    (cons-lzl n (lambda () (integers-from (+ n 1))))))

(define ints (integers-from 0))

;--> '(0 . #<procedure>)

Manipulation of LZL Values

To manipulate easily LZL values, we define an extended functional interface - which is equivalent to the loops that we used in JavaScript.

;; Signature: take(lz-lst,n)
;; Type: [LzL * Number -> List]
;; If n > length(lz-lst) then the result is lz-lst as a List
(define take
  (lambda (lz-lst n)
    (if (or (= n 0) (empty-lzl? lz-lst))
      (cons (head lz-lst)
            (take (tail lz-lst) (- n 1))))))

; Signature: nth(lz-lst,n)
;; Type: [LzL * Number -> T]
;; Pre-condition: n < length(lz-lst)
(define nth
  (lambda (lz-lst n)
    (if (= n 0)
        (head lz-lst)
        (nth (tail lz-lst) (sub1 n)))))

Observe that when we evaluate the following calls, the successive steps of the expansion of the integers-from lazy-list are repeated:

(take ints 10)
;--> '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

(take ints 5)
;--> '(0 1 2 3 4)

Computing with Lazy-Lists

Besides representing sequences in comprehension, the model of lazy lists is a useful abstraction to describe recursive processes.

Let us start with a simple idea: repeating a value an unbounded number of times.

(define ones (cons-lzl 1 (lambda () ones)))

(take ones 7)
;--> '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1)

This computation is interesting because it is a form of infinite loop which is controlled by the caller.

Let us now describe a list of values which are built incrementally on top of each other. Let us build the list of all factorial values.

We start with a simple definition:

(define fact 
  (lambda (n) 
    (if (= n 1)
        (* n (fact (- n 1))))))
;; Type: [Number -> LzL(Number)]
(define facts-from
  (lambda (n)
    (cons-lzl (fact n) 
              (lambda () (facts-from (+ n 1))))))

When we observe the computation, we realize though, that if we know the prefix of this lazy-list, we can compute the next element in a faster way than by invoking (fact (+ n 1)) - as long as we have access to the first element when we compute the tail. We derive the following pattern of lazy-list construction:

(define facts-gen
  (lambda ()
    (letrec ((loop (lambda (n fact-n)
                     (cons-lzl fact-n 
                               (lambda () (loop (+ n 1) 
                                                (* (+ n 1) fact-n)))))))
      (loop 1 1))))
(take (facts-gen) 6)
;--> '(1 2 6 24 120 720)

A good way to think about facts-gen is as the unrolling of the fact computation. It returns the list of the values of a recursive computation. The structure of the function is typical: the local function loop remembers the last computed value fact-n and passes it to the delayed computation in the tail.

Exercise: Write a function fibo-gen which generates the successive values of the Fibonacci series. Hint: the local function loop will have one more argument when compared to fact-gen.

Composition of Lazy Lists

Lazy list composition functions operate over lzl values and return new lzl values.

Let us consider the lzl-add operator: given two lzl(number), it returns the lzl of the sum of their respective values.

;; Signature: lzl-add(lz1,lz2)
;; Type: [LzL(Number) * LzL(Number) -> LzL(number)]
(define lzl-add
  (lambda (lz1 lz2)
    (cond ((empty-lzl? lz1) lz2)
          ((empty-lzl? lz2) lz1)
          (else (cons-lzl (+ (head lz1) (head lz2))
                          (lambda () (lzl-add (tail lz1) (tail lz2))))))))

This operator allows us to re-define the sequence of integers using lazy-list addition:

(define integers 
  (cons-lzl 0 
            (lambda () (lzl-add ones integers))))

Similarly, let us define the sequence of Fibonacci numbers using lazy-list addition:

(define fib-numbers
  (cons-lzl 0
            (lambda () (cons-lzl 1 
                                 (lambda () 
                                   (lzl-add (tail fib-numbers) fib-numbers))))))
(take fib-numbers 7)
;--> '(0 1 1 2 3 5 8)

What is remarkable about these definitions is that they replace loops and recursive functions (the inner functions loop in the examples above) with recursive data flow: the fib-numbers list is built incrementally from the prefix of the fib-numbers list.

Append and Interleave of Lazy Lists

Recall the definition of the append function for regular lists to return a list which contains all the elements in l1 followed by those in l2:

;; Type: [List(T) * List(T) -> List(T)]
(define append
  (lambda (l1 l2)
    (if (empty? l1)
        (cons (car l1)
              (append (cdr l1) l2)))))

Let us define a similar function for lazy lists:

;; Signature: lzl-append(lz1, lz2)
;; Type: [Lzl(T) * Lzl(T) -> Lzl(T)]
(define lzl-append
  (lambda (lz1 lz2)
    (if (empty-lzl? lz1)
        (cons-lzl (head lz1)
                  (lambda () (lzl-append (tail lz1) lz2))))))

Observe the elements of the appended list: we see that all elements of the first lazy-list come before the second lazy-list. What if the first list is infinite? There is no way to reach the second list.

This version does not satisfy a fundamental property of lazy-list functions: Every finite part of a lazy-list “depends” on at most a finite part of the lazy-list.

Therefore, when dealing with possibly infinite lists, append is replaced by a different function we call interleave(). interleave() returns the elements of the lazy-lists in a way that guarantees that every element of the lazy-lists is reached within finite time:

;; Signature: interleave(lz1, lz2)
;; Type: [Lzl(T) * Lzl(T) -> Lzl(T)]
(define interleave
  (lambda (lz1 lz2)
    (if (empty-lzl? lz1)
        (cons-lzl (head lz1)
                  (lambda () (interleave lz2 (tail lz1)))))))
(take (lzl-append (integers-from 100) fib-numbers) 7)
;--> '(100 101 102 103 104 105 106)
(take (interleave (integers-from 100) fib-numbers) 7)
'--> '(100 0 101 1 102 1 103)

Higher Order Lazy List Functions

Looking at LZL values as sequences, it is natural to adapt the sequence interface of map/filter/reduce to this data type as well.
This perspective allows us to define interesting data dependencies to capture recursive relations in a compact way.

;; Signature: lzl-map(f, lz)
;; Type: [[T1 -> T2] * Lzl(T1) -> Lzl(T2)]
(define lzl-map
  (lambda (f lzl)
    (if (empty-lzl? lzl)
        (cons-lzl (f (head lzl))
                  (lambda () (lzl-map f (tail lzl)))))))
(take (lzl-map (lambda (x) (* x x)) ints) 5)
;--> '(0 1 4 9 16)
;; Signature: lzl-filter(p,lz)
;; Type: [[T1 -> Boolean] * Lzl(T1) -> LzL(T1)]
(define lzl-filter
  (lambda (p lzl)
    (cond ((empty-lzl? lzl) lzl)
          ((p (head lzl)) (cons-lzl (head lzl) 
                                    (lambda () (lzl-filter p (tail lzl)))))
          (else (lzl-filter p (tail lzl))))))

Let us explore ways to define complex recursive definitions using these higher-order functions. We develop here a generator of the sequence of prime numbers based on the sieve method:

(define divisible?
  (lambda (x y)
    (= (remainder x y) 0)))

(define no-sevens (lzl-filter (lambda (x) (not (divisible? x 7))) ints))

(nth no-sevens 100) ;The 100th integer not divisible by 7:
;--> 117
;; lazy-list scaling: return (c*x for x in lzl)
;; Signature: lzl-scale(c, lzl)
;; Type: [Number * Lzl(Number) -> Lzl(Number)]
(define lzl-scale
  (lambda (c lzl)
    (lzl-map (lambda (x) (* x c)) lzl)))

In a way similar to which we defined Fibonacci numbers as a recursive equation involving the Fib-nums sequence, we define the generator of the powers of 2 as follows:

;; The lazy-list of powers of 2:
(define double (cons-lzl 1 (lambda () (lzl-scale 2 double))))
(take double 7)
;--> '(1 2 4 8 16 32 64)

Lazy-list Iteration

Recall the integers lazy-list creation function:

(define integers-from
  (lambda (n)
    (cons-lzl n (lambda () (integers-from (+ n 1))))))

It can be re-written as follows, where we explicitly abstract the step operation which makes us proceed from one element in the list to the next as the operation (lambda (k) (+ k 1)):

(define integers-from
  (lambda (n)
    (cons-lzl n (lambda () (integers-from ((lambda (k) (+ k 1)) n))))))

A further generalization replaces the concrete step function (lambda (k) (+ k 1)) by a function parameter:

;; Signature: integers-iterate(f,n)
;; Type: [[Number -> Number] * Number -> Lzl(Number)]
(define integers-iterate
  (lambda (f n)
    (cons-lzl n (lambda () (integers-iterate f (f n))))))
(take (integers-iterate (lambda (k) (+ k 1)) 3) 7)
;--> '(3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

(take (integers-iterate (lambda (k) (* k 2)) 3) 7)
;--> '(3 6 12 24 48 96 192)

(take (integers-iterate (lambda (k) k) 3) 7)
;--> '(3 3 3 3 3 3 3)

Observe that this simple generalization of integers covers the examples we defined above of the repetition (ones), the simple integers sequence, and the powers of two.

;; Primes – First definition
(define primes
  (cons-lzl 2 (lambda () (lzl-filter prime? (integers-from 3)))))

(define prime?
  (lambda (n)
    (letrec ((iter (lambda (lz)
                     (cond ((> (sqr (head lz)) n) #t)
                           ((divisible? n (head lz)) #f)
                           (else (iter (tail lz)))))))
      (iter primes))))
(take primes 6)
;--> '(2 3 5 7 11 13)

The second definition we present avoids the redundancy of the computation above. It implements the sieve algorithm. The lazy-list of primes can be created as follows:

;; Signature: sieve(lzl)
;; Type: [Lzl(Number) -> Lzl(Number)]
(define sieve
  (lambda (lzl)
    (cons-lzl (head lzl)
              (lambda ()
                (sieve (lzl-filter (lambda (x) (not (divisible? x (head lzl))))
                                   (tail lzl)))))))
(define primes1 (sieve (integers-from 2)))
(take primes1 7)
;--> '(2 3 5 7 11 13 17)