Continuation Passing Style

PPL 2023

We return to Scheme and investigate functional techniques to model and understand advanced control structures in addition to conditionals, function invocation and iteration.

Conditionals, Sequence, Recursion and Iteration in Scheme

The traditional control structures in programming languages are:

Consider the comparison between these two functions computing the factorial of a number n:

(define fact
  (lambda (n)
    (if (= n 1)
      (* n (fact (- n 1))))))
(define fact-iter
  (lambda (n acc)
    (if (= n 1)
        (fact-iter (- n 1) (* n acc)))))

The evaluation of fact generates a recursive process - the steps of the evaluation look as follows:

(fact 6)
(* 6 (fact 5))
(* 6 (* 5 (...(* 2 (fact 1)...)
(* 6 (* 5 (...(* 2 1)...)
(* 6 120)

In contrast, the fact-iter function generates an iterative process - the steps of the evaluation look as follows:

(fact-iter 6 1)
(fact-iter 5 6)
(fact-iter 4 30)
(fact-iter 3 120)
(fact-iter 2 360)
(fact-iter 1 720)

Observe that each call of fact in the trace is executed in a control context - which indicates what computation is to be done after the call completes. We see that this context grows in each successive call - until the base case of the recursion is reached. At this point, the accumulated context is executed, step by step, and this control context is consumed, until the result of the recursion is obtained. This type of recursive process execution consumes memory in this case proportional to the input parameter n. The memory is consumed on a stack of frames.

In contrast, in the process generated by fact-iter there is no control context generated: each time the call to fact-iter is executed, there is no next computation that needs to be done with the return value of fact-iter. We say that fact-iter occurs in tail position in the function. Such procedures can be executed without consuming stack frames.

The operational semantics of Scheme requires that the execution of tail recursive procedures do not consume control memory. Hence, tail recursion is the construct used in Scheme to support iteration.

Observe that the iterative procedure fact-iter has two parameters - one represents the current number over which is to be computed, the second one is an accumulator, in which we incrementally compute the result of the computation.

Tail Recursive Implementation

While Scheme requires that tail recursion be implemented in an iterative manner, JavaScript does not impose this behavior. How can we find out whether Node.js implementation is tail-recursive?

The easiest way is to try it: recursive calls consume memory on a stack. This stack is usually limited in size to avoid an infinite recursive call from consuming all the RAM of the process. If we run a tail-recursive procedure in JavaScript in Node.js, we find out it fails with an error of type “Stack Overflow” - which indicates the execution consumes stack memory - or in other words, Node.js does not implement tail recursion in an iterative manner.

const factIter = (n: number, res: number): number =>
    (n === 0) ? res :
    factIter(n - 1, n * res);

console.log(factIter(10000, 1));

When executed - we obtain an error:

const factIter = (n: number, res: number): number =>
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

What can we infer from this fact about the following question:

We can test empirically this question using the same method as we did for testing whether Node.js implements tail recursion as iteration: run the following L5 program in our interpreter:

(L5 (define factIter
      (lambda (n res)
        (if (= n 0)
            (factIter (- n 1) (* n res)))))
    (factIter 10000 1))

When we execute this program in our L5 interpreter, we get the same error:

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

In other words, L5 does not implement the Scheme requirement that the interpreter execute tail-recursive programs in an iterative manner.

In this chapter, we design a strategy that enables us to meet this requirement: implement an interpreter that executes tail-recursive programs in an iterative manner even though the meta-language (JavaScript in our case) does not provide this behavior. We do not complete the code for this interpreter, but develop the strategy through the analysis of a general code transformation strategy called CPS - Continuation Passing Style.

NOTE: Understand which part of the L5 interpreter consumes stack memory when it executes a tail-recursive program. Point to the exact procedure that causes this memory consumption.

Delayed Computation in Scheme

An important usage of procedure expressions is delaying computation: when a procedure returns a closure, the computation embedded in the returned closure is not applied; instead it is delayed until the closure is applied.

For example:

(define make-delayed
  (lambda (n)
    (lambda ()
      (fact n))))

When invoked, this function constructs a delayed computation:

(let ((f4 (make-delayed 4)))

f4 is a procedure of no argument which encapsulates the computation (fact 4). When it is created, a closure is constructed - but it is not invoked. We can then do other activities, and later, when the programmer decides, in the future, this delayed computation can be invoked in the form (f4). This closure plays a role similar to the tasks we reviewed in the previous lecture when discussing the Node event loop and asynchronous functions. The difference is that, in the Scheme case, we have not yet defined the framework in which we post tasks and which decides when to invoke these tasks (the equivalent of the event loop).

This simple mechanism of using closures for delayed computations allows the Scheme programmer to design advanced control structures.

Let us consider two examples where this technique is applied:

Continuation Passing

Consider these two variants of the factorial procedure:

(define fact
  (lambda (n)
    (if (= n 1)
        (* n (fact (- n 1))))))

(define fact$
  (lambda (n cont)
    (if (= n 1)
        (cont 1)
        (fact$ (- n 1) 
                (lambda (res) (cont (* n res)))))))

Observe the function fact$ (we use the convention of naming procedures which follow this pattern with a dollar sign at the end). This procedure receives a parameter which we conventionally name cont which represents a delayed computation - that is, a procedure which expects a single parameter, and applies a delayed computation to this value.
The type of this parameter is simply a closure which receives as argument the type that the overall function returns - in the case of fact$ it has type [Number -> T].

The procedure fact$ models the following computation:

Let us trace this function to understand how it models the control context explicitly:

(fact$ 3 (lambda (x) x)) =>                ;; let us call: k3 = (lambda (x) x)
(fact$ 2 (lambda (res) (k3 (* 3 res)))) => ;; let us call: k2 = (lambda (res) (k3 (* 3 res)))
(fact$ 1 (lambda (res) (k2 (* 2 res)))) => ;; let us call: k1 = (lambda (res) (k2 (* 2 res)))
(k1 1) =>
(k2 (* 2 1)) =>
(k3 (* 3 2)) =>

The execution of the function does not consume stack space - fact$ is a tail recursive iterative function. But observe that the parameter cont grows in each successive call:

k3 = (lambda (x) x)
k2 = (lambda (res) (k3 (* 3 res))) = 
     (lambda (res) 
       ((lambda (x) x) 
        (* 3 res)))
k1 = (lambda (res) (k2 (* 2 res))) = 
     (lambda (res) 
       ((lambda (res)
          ((lambda (x) x)
           (* 3 res)))
        (* 2 res)))

In a schematic manner, we see that this version explicitly represents the control context in the form of a closure. We can think of this procedure as an iterative procedure which constructs its own control stack in its local parameter cont instead of relying on the interpreter’s control stack.

Characterizing Iteration: Head and Tail Positions

How can we tell a program will yield an iterative process when it is evaluated in Scheme as opposed to a recursive one? In other words, let us determine through static analysis of the syntactic structure of a program whether its evaluation will consume unbounded control space - stack space which is proportional to the arguments and thus can grow to a non-constant size. This analysis can be formalized and automated, so that an expression can be proven to create iterative processes.

This analysis is based on the distinction of two syntactic positions within the AST of the language:

For example, consider the expression: (if (> x 2) (* x 3) x). To compute this expression, according to the computation rule of if-exp AST nodes in the operational semantics of the language, we must first compute the test sub-expression (> x 2). This sub-expression is in Head position. Then, based on the value which is obtained, we compute either (* x 3) or x - without combining their resulting value with any other computation. These sub-expressions are in Tail position of the if-exp expression.

Tail positions are positions whose evaluations is the last to occur.

Let us review the whole abstract syntax of our language and identify Head positions marked as H and tail positions marked as T. We only need to review compound expressions, since the definition of Head and Tail positions is only relevant for positions within a compound expression:

  1. (define var H)
  2. (if H T T)
  3. (lambda (var1 ... varn) E ... E)
  4. (let ( (var1 H) ...) H ... T)
  5. Application: (H ... H)

In a procedure expression (lambda), the sub-expressions are neither Head nor Tail position - since they are not computed when we compute the value of the lambda expression - and we note this with E position. However, if we want to analyze a complete program to determine whether it has the potential to create a non-iterative process, we must also analyze the body of all the procedures as if they could be applied. When we perform this analysis, we must also analyze the body of the procedures and attribute positions H for all the sub-expressions in the sequence except the last which is Tail - as in the body of let-exp.

Definition: An expression is in tail form iff:

  1. its head positions do not include applications with non-primitive operators,
  2. and its sub-expressions are all in tail form.

Atomic expressions and combinations of atomic applications are in tail form.


Expressions in tail form create iterative processes when they are evaluated.
We will present an argument supporting this conclusion later.

First, let us present a systematic transformation which generates a tail-form expression for any given expression which is equivalent to the original expression in a specific sense.

Continuation Passing Style (CPS)

Continuation Passing Style (CPS) is a programming technique which assumes that every user defined procedure f$ has a specific argument called its continuation, which is used to carry the control context of the computation.

Consider a regular function f - used in a specific context:

(+ (f a) (* a a))

The context in which (f a) is invoked is:

(+ <r> (* a a))

where <r> represents the result of computing (f a).

In CPS, we encapsulate this context into a continuation procedure - which receives the result of computing (f a) and pass it to the CPS function f$:

(f$ a (lambda (res) (+ res (* a a))))

In general, the continuation parameter passed to CPS functions represents the future computation that needs to be applied once the computation of f$ ends.

CPS Equivalence

We say that a procedure (f$ x1 ... xn cont) is CPS-equivalent to a function (f x1 ... xn) if - for every parameters (x1 ... xn), and every continuation procedure (k res) - (f$ x1 ... xn k) = (k (f x1 ... xn)).

Note the type relations between a procedure f and its CPS-equivalent procedure f$:

f: [T1 * ... * Tn -> T]
f$: [T1 * ... * Tn * [T -> K] -> K]

In particular, using the identity procedure Id = (lambda (x) x), the equivalent (f$ x1 ... xn id) = (f x1 ... xn) holds when f and f$ are CPS-equivalent for all possible arguments (x1 ... xn).

CPS Transformation

It is surprisingly possible to transform systematically any expression of our language \(L5\) to a CPS-equivalent expression which is in tail-form. The method consists of identifying any head position in the expression which is not a primitive combination, to extract it as the first call of the CPS version, and to encapsulate the resulting context as the continuation of the CPS version. The process is repeated until all head positions in the expression are left as primitive compositions and all the user-procedure calls are encapsulated into nested continuations.

Let us review examples of this transformation:

CPS of tail form expressions

In the following cases, the original procedures are already in tail-form, the CPS transformation consists of simply adding a continuation parameter:

(define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))
(define add1 (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))

(define square$
  (lambda (x cont) (cont (* x x)))

(define add1$
  (lambda (x cont) (cont (+ x 1))))

Let us consider the next increment of complexity, with an expression which is still in tail-form - but with a user-defined procedure. In this case, we transform the user procedure with its CPS-equivalent and simply pass the continuation argument to the CPS version:

(define h
  (lambda (x) (add1 (+ x 1))))

(define h$
  (lambda (x cont) (add1$ (+ x 1) cont)))

CPS of Nested Applications

The next case is a nested user procedure call: the function is not in tail-form.

(define h1
  (lambda (x) (square (add1 (+ x 1)))))
(define h1$
  (lambda (x cont)
    (add1$ (+ x 1) (lambda (add1-res) (square$ add1-res cont)))

In this case, we identify the first head position in the body of the procedure: this is the call (add1 (+ x 1)). This sub-expression is the first expression which is evaluated when the body of the procedure is evaluated. It is evaluated in a non-tail position – because the result of this evaluation must be passed to the context: (square <res>). The CPS transformation abstracts away this context into the continuation and moves the inner-most user-function application as the body of the procedure. The context is:

cont1 = (lambda (add1-res) (square add1-res))

We read the resulting CPS h1$ functions as:

CPS Determines the Order of Evaluation of Arguments

When we specified the operational semantics of application expressions in applicative order, we indicated that the Scheme semantics specificaly indicates that the order of evaluation of arguments within an application (rator rand1 ... randn) is not specified and can be determined by the implementation. That is, the interpreter is free to evaluate rand2 before rand1 or vice-versa.

When we transform an expression of this type to CPS, we must select a sub-expression (an operand) that will become the first head to be evaluated. Consider the following example:

(define mult
  (lambda (x y) (* x y)))

(define h2
  (lambda (x y) (mult (square x) (add1 y))))

;; In CPS:
(define mult$
  (lambda (x y cont) (cont (* x y))))

(define h2-1$
  (lambda (x y cont)
    (square$ x
      (lambda (square-res)
        (add1$ y
               (lambda (add1-res) 
                 (mult$ square-res add1-res cont)))))))

In this transformation, we identified two user-procedure applications - square and add1 - in non-tail position (within the context of (mult s a). We decide to move the first operand (square x) to the first evaluated expression in CPS - and move the rest of the calls to the continuation. The order of evaluations in the h2-1$ version is:

  1. First compute (square x)
  2. Then pass the result square-res to the continuation which computes (add1 y)
  3. Then pass the result add1-res to the continuation which computes (mult s a)

We can also generate the alternative version where (add1 y) is first computed, and (square x) second:

(define h2-2$
  (lambda (x y cont)
    (add1$ y
      (lambda (add1-res)
        (square$ x
          (lambda (square-res) 
            (mult$ square-res add1-res cont)))))))

By convention, in the CPS transformation we will select arguments in left-to-right order - even if this is not the only possible transformation.

CPS of Tree Recursion Procedures

Let us consider the following example of a recursion which generates a tree-recursive process when evaluated, and transform it to a CPS-equivalent version:

(define sum-odd-squares
  (lambda (tree)
    (cond ((empty? tree) 0)
          ((not (list? tree))
           (if (odd? tree) (square tree) 0))
          (else (+ (sum-odd-squares (car tree))
                   (sum-odd-squares (cdr tree)))))))

We consider the branches of the cond expression one by one.
In branches 1 and 2, both tests are primitive combinations, and the consequents are in tail-form. The else branch has no user-procedure call in head position. Hence the CPS-transformation does not change the structure of the cond expression. The first stage of the transformation is thus:

(define sum-odd-squares$
  (lambda (tree cont)
    (cond ((empty? tree) (cont 0))
          ((not (list? tree))
           (if (odd? tree) (square$ tree cont) (cont 0)))
          (else <<CPS-transform (+ (sum-odd-squares (car tree))
                                   (sum-odd-squares (cdr tree)))>> ))))

Let us now consider the consequent of the last branch. There are two user-procedure calls which are in non-tail position. We pick the first one, and turn it as the first call of the CPS.

(define sum-odd-squares$
  (lambda (tree cont)
    (cond ((empty? tree) (cont 0))
          ((not (list? tree))
           (if (odd? tree) (square$ tree cont) (cont 0)))
          (else (sum-odd-squares$ (car tree)
                  (lambda (sum-odd-squares-car-res)
                    <<CPS-transform (+ sum-odd-squares-car-res (sum-odd-squares (cdr tree)))>> ))))))

We have pushed the CPS transformation inside - let us complete it:

(define sum-odd-squares$
  (lambda (tree cont)
    (cond ((empty? tree) (cont 0))
          ((not (list? tree))
           (if (odd? tree) (square$ tree cont) (cont 0)))
          (else (sum-odd-squares$ (car tree)
                  (lambda (sum-odd-squares-car-res)
                    (sum-odd-squares$ (cdr tree)
                      (lambda (sum-odd-square-cdr-res)
                        (cont (+ sum-odd-square-car-res sum-odd-square-cdr-res))))))))))

CPS Transformation of Higher-Order Procedures

Let us consider the transformation of function which receives a function as a parameter - for example the map operator:

(define map
  (lambda (f list)
    (if (empty? list)
        (cons (f (car list))
              (map f (cdr list))))))

This procedure includes two user-procedure calls, nested within a cons application - hence not in tail position. Therefore, the process is not iterative. The two nested user procedure calls appear in the arguments of the cons application.

Note that the test of the if-exp and the then-part are all primitive combinations, hence, no CPS transformation is required besides wrapping the tail value in the cont call.

We select the first argument of cons as the first nested call and move it as the first step of the CPS-transformed version:

(define map$
  (lambda (f$ list cont)
    (if (empty? list)
        (cont list)
        (f$ (car list)
            (lambda (f-res)
              <<CPS-transform (cons f-res (map f (cdr list)))>> )))))

Note that in this transformation, we consider that the f parameter we receive is a user procedure in CPS format as well. This is necessary, because CPS as a discipline is an all-or-nothing proposition: all user-defined procedures must be transformed in CPS to be able to obtain a coherent CPS program.

We next observe the remaining segment to be transformed in CPS: (cons f-res (map f (cdr list))). The first sub-expression to be evaluated in this context is (map f (cdr list)) which we push outside as the first step of the CPS transformation - and we eventually obtain:

(define map$
  (lambda (f$ list cont)
    (if (empty? list)
        (cont list)
        (f$ (car list)
            (lambda (f-car-res)
              (map$ f$ (cdr list)
                (lambda (map-f-cdr-res)
                  (cont (cons f-car-res map-f-cdr-res)))))))))                  

CPS Transformation of Conditionals with non-primitive Tests

Consider the CPS transformation of the filter procedure:

(define filter
  (lambda (pred? list)
    (cond ((empty? list) list)
          ((pred? (car list)) 
           (cons (car list) (filter pred? (cdr list))))
          (else (filter pred? (cdr list))))))

The new configuration we meet is that the test part of the second branch is a user-procedure application (pred? (car list)). In this case, we must change the structure of the cond so that we first compute the test value outside the cond, then route the conditional inside the continuation:

(define filter$
  (lambda (pred? list cont)
    (cond ((empty? list) (cont list))
          (else (pred?$ (car list)
                  (lambda (pred-res)
                    (cond (pred-res (cons (car list) (filter pred? (cdr list))))
                          (else (filter pred? (cdr list))))>> ))))))

The transformation here is that the cond structure is split - in branches which can be evaluated all in tail-form and those which follow the test evaluation.

The next step of the CPS-transform is as observed in previous examples:

(define filter$
  (lambda (pred? list cont)
    (cond ((empty? list) (cont list))
          (else (pred?$ (car list)
                  (lambda (pred-res)
                    (cond (pred-res (filter$ pred?$ (cdr list)
                                      (lambda (filter-cdr-res)
                                        (cont (cons (car list) filter-cdr-res)))))
                          (else (filter$ pred?$ (cdr list) cont)))))))))

Summary: CPS Transformation

We have learned how to transform any expression in the language into a tail-form CPS-equivalent expression. When evaluating the CPS-equivalent version of the expression, our interpreter yields a tail-recursive iterative process which does not consume control space (the stack does not grow in an unbounded way dependent on the parameters fed to the program). Instead, the explicit continuation parameter which is added to all procedure calls records the control context of the procedure applications. This parameter does grow according to the size of the parameters.

Note how the CPS transformation is similar to the transformation from synchronous function calls to asynchronous function calls which we discussed in the previous lecture: application expressions appear in the CPS version in the same order in which they are evaluated; composed functions appear nested inside the body of the continuation in the same way as they appeared nested in the body of the callbacks of the asynchronous functions.

The difference between the event-driven model we discussed in the Node.js environment and the CPS model discussed in Scheme is that in the asynchronous model, the continuations (the tasks generated by asynchronous functions) are posted on the task-queue and executed by the interpreter according to the event-model while in the CPS model in Scheme, continuations are immediately invoked when the preceding call completes.

Success-Fail Continuations

A variant of the CPS model just introduced allows us to handle error conditions in a more flexible manner than was possible in the style we have discussed so far. (Success-fail continuations remind us of the structure of callbacks in Node.js and of promises - which expect one continuation for successful calls - passed in the .then(success) method, and one for the failure cases, passed in the .catch(fail) method.)

Consider a procedure which receives a heterogeneous list and computes the sum of the numeric items in the list. If any item in the list is not a number - we want to trigger an error and stop the computation (that is, we stop the traversal of the list as soon as a non-number item is detected).

Let us first write a traditional implementation of this procedure, using the error primitive, which is the equivalent of throwing an exception:

;; Signature: sumlist(li)
;; Purpose: Sum the elements of a number list. 
;; If the list includes a non number element -- produce an error.
;; Type: [List -> Number union ???]
(define sumlist
  (lambda (li)
    (cond ((empty? li) 0)
          ((not (number? (car li))) (error "non numeric value!"))
          (else (+ (car li) (sumlist (cdr li)))))))

Consider an iterative CPS version of this procedure, which uses success/fail continuations:

(define sumlist2
  (lambda (li)
    (letrec ((sumlist$
               (lambda (li succ-cont fail-cont)
                 (cond ((empty? li) (succ-cont 0))
                       ((number? (car li))
                        (sumlist$ (cdr li)
                                  (lambda (sum-cdr) ;success continuation
                                    (succ-cont (+ (car li) sum-cdr)))
                       ;; error condition: invoke error handler
                       (else (fail-cont))))))
       (sumlist$ li
                 (lambda (x) x)
                 (lambda () (display "non numeric value!"))))))

Observe first that the presence of errors is problematic for our type system. We do not know how to indicate, in the type of the procedure, the fact that it potentially throws an exception. For comparison, think of how this condition is handled in Java.

In the CPS style, we handle errors by using continuations - instead of using one continuation as we did in the transformation discussed above, we carry 2 continuations: one for the successful computation path, and one for error conditions.

Observe the type of the sumlist$ procedure above:

[List * [Number -> Number] * [Empty -> Void] -> (Number | Void)]

This type indicates explicitly the fact that the procedure may follow two distinct paths - either the success leading to the [Number -> Number] continuation, or the failure path leading to the [Empty -> Void] path.

Let us consider a procedure which traverses a data structure (for example an AST), searching for a node that meets a given criterion. If such a node is met, we perform a success computation; else we perform a fail computation.

In this case, we will use the success continuation to indicate that the search has completed, and that we continue the computation by processing the element found; while the fail continuation will be used to drive the search for other elements within the data structure, until, possibly, the data structure has been exhausted, in which case, the original fail continuation is applied, indicating a failure to find an element meeting the criterion.

The tree in this example is an unlabeled tree, that is, a tree whose branches are unlabeled, and whose leaves are labeled by atomic values. This is the standard view of an heterogeneous list. For example, ((3 4) 5 1) is a list representation of such a tree.

Tree interface:

In our simple implementation, we use:

(define make-tree list)
(define add-subtree cons)
(define make-leaf (lambda (x) x))
(define empty-tree? empty?)
(define first-subtree car)
(define rest-subtree cdr)
(define leaf-data (lambda (x) x))
(define composite-tree? list?)
(define leaf? (lambda (x) (not (composite-tree? x))))

The CPS procedure uses a success and a fail continuations.

The important point in this procedure, is that when an interior node is processed, the procedure makes a non-deterministic decision: it starts the traversal of the first sub-tree, which may or may not contain the searched item. If this first traversal succeeds, the search procedure completes; else we need to backtrack and search the other sub-trees. We need to keep track of this decision point explicitly - so that this further search can be performed in the future if needed. This is accomplished by constructing a fail-continuation which remembers what are the next sub-trees to be traversed. The fail continuation is applied when the search reaches a leaf and fails.

;; Signature: leftmost-even(tree)
;; Purpose: Find the leftmost even leaf of an unlabeled tree whose leaves are labeled by numbers. 
;; If no leaf is even, return #f.
;; Type: [List -> Number union Boolean]
;; Examples: (leftmost-even ’((1 2) (3 4 5))) ==> 2
;;           (leftmost-even ’((1 1) (3 3) 5)) ==> #f
(define leftmost-even
  (lambda (tree)
    (leftmost-even$ tree 
                    (lambda (x) x) 
                    (lambda () #f))))

(define leftmost-even$
  (lambda (tree succ-cont fail-cont)
    (cond ((empty-tree? tree) (fail-cont))
          ((leaf? tree)
           (if (even? (leaf-data tree))
               (succ-cont tree)
          (else ; Composite tree
            (leftmost-even$ (first-subtree tree)
                            (lambda () (leftmost-even$ (rest-subtrees tree) ; (@)

The leftmost-even procedure performs an exhaustive search on the tree, until an even leaf is found. Whenever the search in the first sub-tree fails, it invokes a recursive search on the rest of the sub-trees. This kind of search is a backtracking search policy: If the decision to search in the first sub-tree appears wrong, a retreat to the decision point occurs, and an alternative route is selected.

Note that the fail continuation that is passed to the fail continuation that is constructed in the decision point (marked by @) is the fail continuation that is passed to leftmost-even$ as an argument. To understand that think about the decision points:

At last, a non-CPS version:

(define leftmost-even
  (lambda (tree)
    (letrec ((iter (lambda (tree)
                     (cond ((empty-tree? tree) #f)
                           ((leaf? tree)
                            (if (even? (leaf-data tree)) 
                                (leaf-data tree) 
                             (let ((res-first (iter (first-subtree tree))))
                               (if res-first
                                   (iter (rest-subtrees tree)))))))))
       (iter tree))))
