Recursion and Mutation

PPL 2023

The environment model we have introduced in the previous lecture has a limitation: it does not support recursive functions. Consider the following program:

(let ((fact (lambda (n) 
              (if (= n 0)
                  (* n (fact (- n 1)))))))
  (fact 3))
Error: fact: undefined; cannot reference an identifier before its definition

The reason we cannot invoke fact in the body of the closure is that the closure is evaluated in the global environment, before the fact binding is added. Hence, when we apply the closure by invoking (fact 3), we evaluate the body of the closure in the same global environment - and not in the environment created by the let expression.

The solution introduced in Scheme in order to address this issue is a separate special form called letrec. Letrec has exactly the same syntax as let, but different scoping rules: the right-side of the bindings in letrec are evaluated in the environment which includes the bindings.

(letrec ((fact (lambda (n) 
                 (if (= n 0)
                     (* n (fact (- n 1)))))))
  (fact 3))
=> 6

We address in this lecture how the interpreter must be modified to support letrec.

Global Recursive Definition

A similar problem exists when evaluating global definitions of recursive functions with define.
Recall from the binding rules we presented in the Section Scheme Binding Rules that in an expression (define var val), val should be evaluated within the scope of the var declaration. But our implementation of the environment model does not allow this. An indeed the following test fails when we use the L4-eval interpreter (see L4-eval.tests.ts).

// Recursive procedure = does not work with ExtEnv
// message: 'Error: Bad argument: "var not found f"'
assert(isError(evalParse4("(L4 (define f (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) 1 (* x (f (- x 1)))))) (f 3))")));

We remember, however, that similar code did work when using the L3-eval interpreter (see L3.tests.ts):

// L3 recursive function definition: map
(L3 (define map
            (lambda (f l)
              (if (eq? l '())
                  (cons (f (car l)) (map f (cdr l))))))
    (map (lambda (x) (* x x))
         '(1 2 3)))`),
    makeCompoundSExp([1, 4, 9]));

That is, we did not meet the problem of global recursive functions in the substitution model, but we do face it in the environment model. Try to understand why this was the case.

It is impossible to define recursive functions using the let expression in both models (substitution and environment models).

In this lecture, we clarify how to process recursive definitions - both local (with letrec) and global (with define).

Recursive Environment

The semantic evaluation rule of letrec we want to achieve is that the right hand side of the bindings are evaluated in the environment that already includes the bindings. That is, we want to evaluate:

(lambda (n) 
  (if (= n 0)
      (* n (fact (- n 1)))

in an environment where a binding for fact already exists. This is important, because the resulting value - a closure - must keep a reference to this environment if we want the recursion to work.

The problem is naturally that we cannot create such an environment because we haven’t yet computed the value for fact - chicken and egg problem.

If we could create circular data structures, we could think of a solution to this conundrum.

We find a solution that is specialized to procedures and exploits their property.

Let us consider the syntax of letrec - and keep it only for cases where we want to bind procedures to names. In other cases, there is rarely a reason to choose letrec instead of let (there are some cases where this might be useful, but we will not consider them at this point).

<letrec-exp> ::= (letrec (<pbinding>*) <cexp>+) // letrec-exp(bindings:List(Binding), body:List(Cexp))
<pbinding> ::= (<var-decl> <proc-exp>) // binding(var:Var-decl, val:proc-exp)

In this syntax, the right-hand side of a binding in letrec can only be procedure expression (lambda).

Let us consider the evaluation rule of the closely related lex-exp and pinpoint what exactly must be changed for letrec:

If exp = let-exp(bindings, body):
  env-eval(exp, env) is computed by:
      let vars = variables in bindings
          vals = value expressions in bindings
          let cvals = eval(val, env) for val in vals  
              return eval-sequence(body, 
                                   extend-env(env, make-frame(vars, cvals)))

We must change the way the values of the vars are computed - so that they are computed in the right environment.

This is where we see the opportunity: in order to compute a closure, we do in fact very little - we package three values together, the procedure params, the procedure body and the current environment. That is, the computation of a closure is really a simple affair - no recursion, just packing 3 values together into a closure structure.

Our problem is that when we want to compute these closures, we do not have access to the env value to be packed into the closure (recall that a closure is an object with 3 fields closure(bindings, body, env)).

The solution to this problem is: delay.
We do not have the env value when we create the closure - but we do not really need it at this point. We will need it in the future when the closure is applied. When the closure will be applied, we will have access to the new env.

Putting these ideas together, we define a new version of the environment data structure which supports a new special form of environments which we call recursive environments:

<env>          ::= <empty-env> | <extended-env> | <recursive-env>  // Add a new option for environments
<empty-env>    ::= ()  // no fields - a singleton data type.
<extended-env> ::= extended-env(frame:Frame, enclosing-env:Env) // Linked list of frames as previously
<rec-env>      ::= rec-env(vars:List(string), paramss:List(List(var-decl)), bodies:List(List(Cexp), enclosing-env:Env)

A rec-env stores a frame mapping names to “almost closures” - that is a list of params and a body. We do not store the closure-env in the rec-env.

But when we compute the apply-env of a rec-env to a string, we construct the closure at lookup time, with the correct env:

define apply-env(env:Env, var:string)
  // Same definition as the regular env
  if env is empty-env:
    error "Var not found"
  else if env is extended-env:
    if var is found in env->frame(env) return apply-frame(frame, var)
    else return apply-env(env->enclosing-env(env), var)

  // New case of the recursive end
  else if env is rec-env:
    if var is the ith item in env->vars:
      let params = env->paramss(env)[i]
          body = env->bodies(env)[i]
          // Construct the closure at lookup time using the env itself
          return make-closure(params, body, env)
      return apply-env(env->enclosing-env(env), var)

Observe how the closure is constructed at lookup time - when we retrieve the value of a variable from a recursive env. At this point, we have access to all the required components: params, body and the env to construct the correct closure.

Implementation of the Recursive Environment Model

This model of recursive environments is implemented in our code in the L4 interpreter:

This interpreter supports letrec expressions and recursive local procedures such as the fact example above, or mutually recursive procedures such as this example program:

(define f
  (lambda (x)
    (letrec ((even? (lambda (x)
                       (if (= x 0)
                           (odd? (- x 1)))))
             (odd? (lambda (x)
                      (if (= x 0)
                          (even? (- x 1))))))
       (even? x))))
(f 10)
=> #t

Handling Recursive define Expressions

The solution we have implemented for letrec must be extended to support recursive toplevel definitions using define expressions.

Recall that we handled define expressions in the eval-program procedure: we obtain a list of expressions, which can be either CExp or DefExp expressions. We evaluate each one in turn, if it is a DefExp, we evaluate it and obtain a new environment, which is then used for the remaining expressions.

To support recursive define expressions, we must consider the cases where the value of the DefExp is a ProcExp or a non-procedural expression.

This is handled in the following code:

// Eval a sequence of expressions when the first exp is a Define.
// Compute the rhs of the define, extend the env with the new binding
// then compute the rest of the exps in the new env.
const evalDefineExps = (def: Exp, exps: Exp[], env: Env): Result<Value> =>
    isDefineExp(def) ? bind(applicativeEval(def.val, env),
                            (rhs: Value) => evalSequence(exps, makeExtEnv([def.var.var], [rhs], env))) :
    makeFailure("Unexpected " + def);

// ============================================
// Eval a sequence of expressions when the first exp is a Define.
// Compute the rhs of the define, extend the env with the new binding
// then compute the rest of the exps in the new env.
const evalDefineExps = (exps: Exp[], env): Result<Value> => {
    let def = first(exps);
    if (isDefineExp(def)) {
        // Check if rhs is ProcExp - use a recEnv - else an extEnv
        if (isProcExp(def.val)) {
            const newEnv = makeRecEnv([def.var.var], [def.val.args], [def.val.body], env);
            return evalExps(rest(exps), newEnv);
        } else {
            const rhs = applicativeEval(def.val, env);
            if (isFailure(rhs)) {
                return rhs;
            } else {
                const newEnv = makeExtEnv([def.var.var], [rhs], env);
                return evalSequence(rest(exps), newEnv);
    } else {

With this definition, our interpreter supports recursive toplevel procedures such as this program:

(define f 
  (lambda (n)
    (if (= n 1)
        (* n (f (- n 1))))))

Forward Definitions and Toplevel Mutual Recursion

This implementation of define, however, has 2 limitations:

The following program fails:

(define f
  (lambda (x) (g x)))
(define g
  (lambda (x) x))
(f 5)
=> error - g is undefined

This happens because, when we evaluate the first define, we obtain a closure which refers to the environment which contains f - but g is not yet defined.

When we later define g in the second define, the environment attached to the f closure is not updated - it still does not know about g.

This behavior does not fit what happens in Scheme and in JavaScript.

But it is in fact similar to what happens in languages like Java and C++ and Pascal. In such languages, a function cannot use in its body another function which is not already declared (in a header or in an import).

The second problem is that we cannot define toplevel mutually recursive procedures in this implementation:

(define even?
  (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) #t (odd? (- x 1)))))
(define odd?
  (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) #f (even? (- x 1)))))
(even? 10)
=> error: odd? is not defined

We now develop a variant environment model which implements the behavior of the global environment according to the Scheme semantics and supports the 2 cases above.

Recursion using Mutation

Another way to support recursion in the interpreter - for both letrec and define - is to use mutation in the environment.

Let us first introduce support for mutation in our subset of TypeScript by introducing the Box data type.

Box Datatype in TypeScript

The box datatype is a way to encapsulate places where we want to allow mutation in our program.

The box datatype is defined by the following interface:

// Purpose: value constructor for box datatype
// Signature: makeBox(v)
// Type: [T -> Box(T)]

// Purpose: Type predicate for box datatype
// Signature: isBox(x)
// Type: [any -> Boolean]

// Purpose: Accessor for the box datatype
// Signature: unbox(b)
// Type: [Box(T) -> T]

// Purpose: Mutator for the box datatype
// Signature: setBox(b, v)
// Type: [Box(T) * T -> void]

We do not really need the box datatype in TypeScript, since TypeScript supports mutation (it is not a pure functional language). But we introduce this datatype to mark explicitly the places where we use mutation - so that we can analyze and control precisely the impact of these mutations.

We implement the box datatype as follows shared/box.ts:

// ========================================================
// Box datatype
// Encapsulate mutation in a single type.
type Box<T> = [T];
const makeBox = <T>(x: T): Box<T> => ([x]);
const unbox = <T>(b: Box<T>): T => b[0];
const setBox = <T>(b: Box<T>, v: T): void => { b[0] = v; return; }

Mutable Environment Data Type

On the basis of the Box datatype, we define a new mutable environment data type. We distinguish two types of environments:

In this new model, the data types of env are:

<box-env> ::= <global-env> | <extended-box-env>
<global-env> ::= (global-env frame) // global-env(frame:Box(Frame))
<extended-box-env> ::= (extended-box-env frame enclosing-env) // extended-box-env(vars:List(string), frame: Frame)

<fbinding> ::= (var val) // binding(var:string, val:Box(Value))
<frame> ::= (frame (var val)*) // frame(bindings:List(fbinding))

The following operations are defined on this datatype:

// Purpose: lookup the value of a var in a frame.
// Signature: applyFrame(frame, var)
// Type: [Frame * string -> Value]

// Purpose: update the value of a binding in a frame
// Signature: setVarFrame(frame, var, val)
// Type: [Frame * string * Value -> void]

// Purpose: lookup the value of a var in an environment
// Signature: applyEnv(env, var)
// Type: [Box-env * string -> Value]

A key transformation in this model is that variables are now bound to Boxes that contain their values. In all previous models, variables were directly bound to Values. See L4-env-box.ts:

import { map, prepend, zipWith } from 'ramda';

// ========================================================
// Frame binding
type FBinding = {
    tag: "FBinding";
    var: string;
    val: Box<Value>;

export const isFBinding = (x: any): x is FBinding => x.tag === "FBinding";
export const makeFBinding = (v: string, val: Value): FBinding =>
    ({tag: "FBinding", var: v, val: makeBox(val)});
export const getFBindingVar = (f: FBinding): string => f.var;
export const getFBindingVal = (f: FBinding): Value => unbox(f.val);
export const setFBinding = (f: FBinding, val: Value): void => { setBox(f.val, val); return; };

// ========================================================
// Frame
export type Frame = {
    tag: "Frame";
    fbindings: FBinding[];

export const makeFrame = (vars: string[], vals: Value[]): Frame =>
    ({tag: "Frame", fbindings: zipWith(makeFBinding, vars, vals)});
export const extendFrame = (frame: Frame, v: string, val: Value): Frame =>
    ({tag: "Frame", fbindings: prepend(makeFBinding(v, val), frame.fbindings)});
export const isFrame = (x: any): x is Frame => x.tag === "Frame";
export const frameVars = (frame: Frame): string[] => map(getFBindingVar, frame.fbindings);
export const frameVals = (frame: Frame): Value[] => map(getFBindingVal, frame.fbindings);

const applyFrame = (frame: Frame, v: string): Result<FBinding> => {
    const pos = frameVars(frame).indexOf(v);
    return (pos > -1) ? makeOk(frame.fbindings[pos]) : makeFailure(`Var not found: $${v}`);
export const setVarFrame = (frame: Frame, v: string, val: Value): Result<void> =>
    bind(applyFrame(frame, v),
         (bdg: FBinding) => makeOk(setFBinding(bdg, val)));

The global-env is modeled as a single global variable - the-global-env with a specific method to add a binding to the single frame of the global env:

// ========================================================
// GlobalEnv
// global-env - has a mutable frame - so that we can add bindings at any time - and impact
// all existing environments which extend the global env.
type GlobalEnv = {
    tag: "GlobalEnv";
    frame: Box<Frame>;
export const isGlobalEnv = (x: any): x is GlobalEnv => x.tag === "GlobalEnv";
const makeGlobalEnv = (): GlobalEnv => ({tag: "GlobalEnv", frame: makeBox(makeFrame([], []))});

// There is a single mutable value in the type Global-env
export const theGlobalEnv = makeGlobalEnv();
const globalEnvSetFrame = (ge: GlobalEnv, f: Frame): void => setBox(ge.frame, f);

export const globalEnvAddBinding = (v: string, val: Value4): void =>
                      extendFrame(unbox(theGlobalEnv.frame), v, val));

const applyGlobalEnvBdg = (ge: GlobalEnv, v: string): FBinding | Error =>
    applyFrame(unbox(ge.frame), v);

This data type is implemented in L4-env-box.ts.

Recursion with Box-Env

On the basis of the box-env, we implement the let-rec evaluation rule as follows:

// @@ L4-EVAL-BOX 
// LETREC: Direct evaluation rule without syntax expansion
// 1. extend the env with vars initialized to void (temporary value)
// 2. compute the vals in the new extended env
// 3. update the bindings of the vars to the computed vals
// 4. compute body in extended env
const evalLetrec = (exp: LetrecExp, env: Env): Result<Value> => {
    const vars = map((b: Binding) => b.var.var, exp.bindings);
    const vals = map((b: Binding) => b.val, exp.bindings);
    const extEnv = makeExtEnv(vars, repeat(undefined, vars.length), env);
    // @@ Compute the vals in the extended env
    const cvalsResult = mapResult((v: CExp) => applicativeEval(v, extEnv), vals);
    const result = mapv(cvalsResult, (cvals: Value[]) => 
                        zipWith((bdg, cval) => setFBinding(bdg, cval), extEnv.frame.fbindings, cvals));
    return bind(result, _ => evalSequence(exp.body, extEnv));

We first create the environment with dummy temporary values for all the vars declared in the letrec (in the expression makeExtEnv(vars, repeat(undefined, vars.length), env)), then we evaluate them in this environment; finally we update the bindings with the computed values.

Define expressions are handled as part of the eval-program which is modified as follows:

// Eval a sequence of expressions when the first exp is a Define.
// Compute the rhs of the define, extend the env with the new binding
// then compute the rest of the exps in the new env.
// L4-BOX @@
// define always updates theGlobalEnv
// We also only expect defineExps at the top level.
const evalDefineExps = (def: Exp, exps: Exp[]): Result<Value> =>
    isDefineExp(def) ? bind(applicativeEval(def.val, theGlobalEnv), (rhs: Value) => { 
                            globalEnvAddBinding(def.var.var, rhs);
                            return evalSequence(exps, theGlobalEnv); 
                       }) :
    makeFailure("Unexpected " + def);

The evaluation rule for def-exp is the only place which invokes the special method globalEnvAddBinding which adds a binding to the single frame of the global env. When this is performed, in effect, all the extended environments which exist at this point are modified - since their last frame is updated.

The frame is updated by adding the new binding at the beginning of the frame - thus shadowing the previously defined value for the defined string. We could change the implementation to prevent the re-definition of strings in the global environment.

The full implementation of the L4 language extended with the set! mutation special form and with the Box-Env model is available in the following code:

There are no differences in the AST definition between \(L4\) and \(L4-box\).

Denoted Values

The change we have brought to the mutable environment is quite profound.

This modification opens the route to implementing variants of the interpreter such as passing arguments by reference as can be done in C++. We will not pursue this route further, but obviously it would have deep impact on the language design.

In general, when describing the operational semantics of a programming language, we have so far described two sets:

We now see that in addition to these two sets - it is important to also describe the set called Denoted Values which is the set of objects bound to variables. In all the interpreters we have seen before the box-env model, the set structure of the interpreters was:

In the last model, we obtain:

We could design a language which distinguishes mutable and immutable variables. In this case, the structure of the sets would be:

This is basically the structure of TypeScript when using the immutable.js package mentioned in the first chapter.


  1. The environment model requires specific development to support recursive procedures. No such specific care was required in the substitution environment. (Explain why?)
  2. Letrec is a special form in Scheme specifically designed to allow the definition of recursive local procedures.

  3. We reviewed 2 distinct implementations of the env-model which support recursion:
    • using the rec-env environment implementation.
    • using mutation in the box-env environment implementation.
  4. In the rec-env implementation, we store closures in the environment without their env reference, and construct the actual closure value only at lookup time.
  5. The rec-env implementation does not model correctly forward usages of toplevel functions and mutually recursive toplevel functions.

  6. We model mutation in the meta-language with the Box datatype (makeBox, isBox, unbox, setBox)
  7. The box-env data structure has 2 variants: global-env and extended-env; frames map variables to Box(value).
  8. The global-env supports a specific add-binding! method which other envs do not.

  9. In the definition of an interpreter, we distinguish 3 sets: Expressions, Computed Values and Denoted Values.