Syntactic Operations and Syntactic Properties of Expressions

PPL 2023

We covered in the previous lecture how to specify the syntax of a programming language and how to implement the parsing process which turns a stream of characters denoting a program into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) value which can be easily processed by a program such as an interpreter or a compiler.

In this lecture, we demonstrate how syntactic properties of expressions can be computed on ASTs and how we can rewrite AST into different ASTs. All of these operations on ASTs work according to the same “recipe” - which consists of following the structural induction principle.

L1 AST in TypeScript

We present a first version of the TypeScript program which encodes the following BNF in a set of disjoint union types in TypeScript.

<program> ::= (L1 <exp>+) // program(exps:List(exp))
<exp> ::= <define-exp> | <cexp>
<define-exp> ::= (define <var-decl> <cexp>) // def-exp(var:var-decl, val:cexp)
<cexp> ::= <num-exp> // num-exp(val:Number)
       | <bool-exp>  // bool-exp(val:Boolean)
       | <prim-op>   // prim-op(op:String)
       | <var-ref>   // var-ref(var:String)
       | (<cexp> <cexp>*) // app-exp(rator:cexp, rands:List(cexp))
<prim-op> ::= + | - | * | / | < | > | = | not
<num-exp> ::= a number token
<bool-exp> ::= #t | #f
<var-ref> ::= an identifier token
<var-decl> ::= an identifier token

The code corresponding to this is in L1/L1-ast.ts. Compared to the simple L1/E-parser.ts we studied in the previous lecture, it implements exactly the same pattern:

// ===========================================================
// AST Types
import { map, filter, reduce } from 'ramda';

export type Exp = DefineExp | CExp;
export type CExp = NumExp | BoolExp | PrimOp | VarRef | AppExp;

export type Program = {tag:"Program", exps: Exp[]};

export type DefineExp = {tag:"DefineExp", var: VarDecl, val: CExp};
export type NumExp = {tag:"NumExp", val:number};
export type BoolExp = {tag:"BoolExp", val:boolean};
export type PrimOp = {tag:"PrimOp", op:string};
export type VarRef = {tag:"VarRef", var:string};
export type VarDecl = {tag:"VarDecl", var:string};
export type AppExp = {tag:"AppExp", rator:CExp, rands: CExp[]};

export const makeProgram = (exps: Exp[]):Program => ({tag:"Program", exps: exps});
export const makeDefineExp = (v: VarDecl, val: CExp):DefineExp => ({tag:"DefineExp", var:v, val:val});
export const makeNumExp = (n: number):NumExp => ({tag:"NumExp", val:n});
export const makeBoolExp = (b: boolean):BoolExp => ({tag:"BoolExp", val:b});
export const makePrimOp = (op: string):PrimOp => ({tag:"PrimOp", op: op});
export const makeVarRef = (v: string):VarRef => ({tag:"VarRef", var:v});
export const makeVarDecl = (v: string):VarDecl => ({tag:"VarDecl", var:v});
export const makeAppExp = (rator:CExp, rands:CExp[]):AppExp => ({tag:"AppExp", rator: rator, rands: rands});

export const isProgram = (x:any): x is Program => x.tag === 'Program';
export const isDefineExp = (x:any): x is DefineExp => x.tag === 'DefineExp';
export const isNumExp = (x:any): x is NumExp => x.tag === 'NumExp';
export const isBoolExp = (x:any): x is BoolExp => x.tag === 'BoolExp';
export const isPrimOp = (x:any): x is PrimOp => x.tag === 'PrimOp';
export const isVarRef = (x:any): x is VarRef => x.tag === 'VarRef';
export const isVarDecl = (x:any): x is VarDecl => x.tag === 'VarDecl';
export const isAppExp = (x:any): x is AppExp => x.tag === 'AppExp';

export const isExp = (x:any): x is Exp => isDefineExp(x) || isCExp(x);
export const isCExp = (x:any): x is CExp => isNumExp(x) || isBoolExp(x) || isPrimOp(x) || isVarRef(x) || isAppExp(x);

For each type, we use the same patterns:

A disjoint union type construct has the following shape:

type CExp = NumExp | BoolExp | PrimOp | VarRef | AppExp;

which is a union of disjoint types. Each disjoint type is defined as a tagged map. We use the convention of using the key “tag” to enforce the disjointness of these types. Any other key could be used, but we use this one consistently to express our intention of defining disjoint types.

The type definition following the key “tag” is a singleton type - which contains a discriminative string value. For example, the type expression:

tag = "NumExp"

within these type definitions indicates that the key “tag” must have the unique value “NumExp” for the map to belong to the type NumExp.

There is a constructor function for each disjoint type, but none for the union type. In this sense, we understand that the union type is a sort of abstract type over the disjoint types.

The type predicate for each disjoint type checks for the presence of the appropriate tag. The type predicate for the union types is just a boolean-or of the type predicates of the types it covers.

AST Types are Recursive Types

The AST types we have defined above are recursive. Some of the disjoint types of the disjoint union are atomic, some are compound. The one type that is recursive is CExp (C stands for constituent expression - a constituent is a component of a more complex structure). CExp is defined as follows in the AST definition:

<cexp> ::= <num-exp> // num-exp(val:Number)
       | <bool-exp>  // bool-exp(val:Boolean)
       | <prim-op>   // prim-op(op:String)
       | <var-ref>   // var-ref(var:String)
       | (<cexp> <cexp>*) // app-exp(rator:cexp, rands:List(cexp))

The only compound expression here is AppExp - which is made up of CExp components. The other types are atomic (NumExp, BoolExp, PrimOp, VarRef).

This recursive definition is what makes the language infinite. It also explain why AST are called abstract syntax trees.

As usual - note that the corresponding TypeScript type definitions are based on a disjoint union to enable the recursive type definition - atomic types (num-exp, bool-exp, prim-op and var-ref) form the stopping case, the compound types are the recursive ones (in the case of \(L1\), the only compound expression is app-exp below CExp, and define-exp is the only compound expression below Exp.


The parser takes as input a string and returns an AST value which encodes the structure of values recognized in the string.

Parsing is a complex topic which will be covered in much more detail in the Compilation course.

Using S-Expressions

In this course, we take a “shortcut” approach to parsing, because the language we use is based on a general structure called the S-Expression (in short S-exp The fact that Scheme and Lisp-like languages use S-exp as the basis for their syntax is part of a general approach towards simplicity and uniformity in these languages.

A s-exp is defined inductively as using the following BNF (we ignore some of the elements used in Lisp such as pairs for simplicity):

<S-exp> ::= <AtomicSexp> | <CompoundSexp>
<AtomicSexp> ::= <number> | <boolean> | <string> | <symbol>
<CompoundSexp> ::= '(' <S-exp>* ')

The definition is recursive, leading to deeply nested lists such as:

((1) ((2 "a") #t))

In Scheme, S-exps are used both to encode programs and data.

To implement our Scheme parser in TypeScript, we rely on an existing Node parser for S-exp. Make sure you install it in your work folder with:

> npm install s-expression --save

The Sexp parser takes care of tokenization and handling the nested parentheses in order to construct a parallel structure of nested lists - we have mapped a string into a JavaScript S-exp. Note that the code of the S-exp parsers is not very complex - you can read it all in the module we have downloaded with npm. But at this stage, we just skip its complexity.

The S-exp values we obtain as output of the S-exp parser are made up of nested lists of strings only (the only atomic values that appear are strings).

parseSexp("(+ 1 (* 2 3))")
// ->     [ '+', '1', [ '*', '2', '3' ] ]

The S-Expression Type

The S-expression parser we use from npm is written in JavaScript - it does not specify the type of the value it returns.

We analyzed the code, and inferred manually the precise type returned by this parser and added this type annotation, which we add as the “contract” that we expect from the library and which can be trusted by the TypeScript type checker. This is achieved by adding a file with extension d.ts in our codebase shared/s-expression.d.ts:

declare module 's-expression' {
    export type SexpString = String;
    export type Token = string | SexpString;
    export type CompoundSexp = Sexp[];
    export type Sexp = Token | CompoundSexp;

        The types returned by the parser are:
        string - for any token which is not a string,
                 according to the tokenization rules of S-expressions.
        SexpString - for tokens of the form "..."
        Sexp[] - for S-expressions that contain sub-expressions
                 (of the form "(<s-expr1> ... <s-exprn>)")
    export default function parse(x: string): Sexp;

The S-expression parser interprets all atomic tokens according to Scheme’s lexical rules. In particular, it encodes tokens of type string, which are written as balanced double-quotes "....." in a specific TypeScript type called String (with capital-S, which is different from the usual string). We call this token type a SexpString in our type definition.

The structure of the Sexp type is the usual disjunction between Atomic tokens and Compound expressions. Atomic tokens form the base case of the inductive definition. Compound expressions are encoded as arrays of embedded expressions.

We provide in shared/parser.ts well-typed TypeScript parsers around the third-party S-expression parser written in JavaScript:

/// <reference path="s-expression.d.ts" />
import p, { Sexp, SexpString, Token, CompoundSexp } from "s-expression";
import { makeFailure, makeOk, Result } from "./result";
import { isString, isArray, isError } from "./type-predicates";
import { allT } from "./list";

// s-expression returns strings quoted as "a" as [String: 'a'] objects
// to distinguish them from symbols - which are encoded as 'a'
// These are constructed using the new String("a") constructor
// and can be distinguished from regular strings based on the constructor.
export const isSexpString = (x: any): x is SexpString =>
    ! isString(x) && x.constructor && === "String";

export const isSexp = (x: any): x is Sexp => isToken(x) || isCompoundSexp(x);
export const isToken = (x: any): x is Token => isString(x) || isSexpString(x);
export const isCompoundSexp = (x: any): x is CompoundSexp => isArray(x) && allT(isSexp, x);

export const parse = (x: string): Result<Sexp> => {
    const parsed = p(x);
    return isError(parsed) ? makeFailure(parsed.message) : makeOk(parsed);

Token Types

The relevant types of tokens must be recognized by analyzing a Token value to decide the type of literal value the token represents (boolean, number or string). We use the following TypeScript type predicates (using the TypeScript type predicate notation x is <T>). These definitions are provided in shared/type-predicates.ts:

// ========================================================
// Parsing utilities to distinguish types of tokens
// ========================================================
// Type utilities
export const isArray = Array.isArray;
export const isString = (x: any): x is string => typeof x === "string";
export const isNumber = (x: any): x is number => typeof x === "number";
export const isBoolean = (x: any): x is boolean => typeof x === "boolean";
export const isError = (x: any): x is Error => x instanceof Error;

// A weird method to check that a string is a string encoding of a number
export const isNumericString = (x: string): boolean => JSON.stringify(+x) === x;

// A predicate for a valid identifier
// In Scheme, a valid identifier is a token that starts with an alphabetic letter (a-z or A-Z) followed by any number of letters or numbers.
// As discussed in the Section on Lexical Rules - we use Regular Expressions (regexp) to recognize these.
export type Identifier = string;
export const isIdentifier = (x: any): x is Identifier =>

Error Handling

The external s-expression parser library can fail when it faces an illegal combination of parentheses or ill-formed tokens. In this case, it returns a value of type Error.
In the rest of the course, we will use a functional approach to handle errors, based on the Result<T> monad.
Therefore, we wrap the call to the library parser in a function that adapts the Error protocol into a Result<Sexp>:

export const parse = (x: string): Result<Sexp> => {
    const parsed = p(x);
    return isError(parsed) ? makeFailure(parsed.message) : makeOk(parsed);

The rest of the parser is structured to return values of type Result<T>. Given this pattern, we combine functions that return Result<T> using the bind operator. For example, instead of writing:

const parseL1 = (x: string): Program =>

We write:

// combine Sexp parsing with L1 parsing using the bind operator
const parseL1 = (x: string): Result<Program> =>
    bind(parse(x), parseL1Program);

The proper way to read a bind combination is:

In a bind call, the composed functions appear in the order in which they are executed – first parse, then parseL1Program. This is in contrast with the traditional function composition notation f(g(x)) where g is executed before f but appears after it.

When using Result<T>, we avoid type problems that would occur because of errors. For example, if parse(x) were to return an Error value, the composition would need to be organized as follows:

const parse = (x: string): Sexp | Error => ...;
const parseL1Program = (s: Sexp): Program | Error => ...;

const parseL1 = (x: string): Program => {
    const s = parse(x);
    return isError(s) ? s :

If we read this code, error handling makes us lose the intent that parseL1 is just a composition of two functions.

This intent is preserved with the bind version: bind is the composition operator for functions that return Result<T> values.

Type Guards

The general structure of the parser functions is to traverse an inductive data structure, and to switch according to the type of the parameter.
In TypeScript, we use a switch code structure: to make it functional, we use chained ternary conditionals e1 ? e2 : e3 ? e4 : ... which is an expression (as opposed to switch or if else if which are statements). We indent such chained ternary conditions in the code to express clearly that they implement a sequence of cases as in a switch.

The type of the parameters are disjoint unions from the AST definitions. The clauses of the switch are all type predicates. We call such tests guards. After a guard, the TypeScript type checker knows that the parameter has the requested type (because type predicates are defined with a return type of the form x is T) and takes it into account in the calls of the then part of the if statement (we call this part of the code the guarded clause).

For example, in parseL1Program, we receive a parameter of type Sexp and traverse it using the following switch pattern:

// <Program> -> (L1 <Exp>+)
export const parseL1Program = (sexp: Sexp): Result<Program> =>
    sexp === "" || isEmpty(sexp) ? makeFailure("Unexpected empty program") :
    isToken(sexp) ? makeFailure("Program cannot be a single token") :
    isCompoundSexp(sexp) ? parseL1GoodProgram(first(sexp), rest(sexp)) :
    sexp; // never

As usual, the structure of this function follows the structure of the type definition: an Sexp value can be either an atomic Token or a CompoundSexp. We deal with specific error conditions by returning makeFailure values.

Parsing Atomic Expressions

In \(L1\), atomic expressions can be either number, boolean or primitive operators. All three are encoded in concrete syntax as different types of Tokens. Accordingly, the parser function that recognizes atomic expressions enumerates the possible types of tokens and constructs the appropriate AST values for each possible option.

// Atomic -> number | boolean | primitiveOp
export const parseL1Atomic = (token: Token): Result<CExp> =>
    token === "#t" ? makeOk(makeBoolExp(true)) :
    token === "#f" ? makeOk(makeBoolExp(false)) :
    isString(token) && isNumericString(token) ? makeOk(makeNumExp(+token)) :
    isString(token) && isPrimitiveOp(token) ? makeOk(makePrimOp(token)) :
    isIdentifier(token) ? makeOk(makeVarRef(token)) :
    makeFailure("Invalid atomic token: " + token);

export const isPrimitiveOp = (x: string): boolean =>
    ["+", "-", "*", "/", ">", "<", "=", "not"].includes(x)

Parsing Compound Expressions

In the syntax of \(L1\), we distinguish between:

Accordingly, the parser must process compound expressions depending on the context:

Compound expressions in the concrete syntax of Scheme-like languages are all Sexp arrays, and they are recognized by checking the first element in the array. This makes it easy to check what is the type of a compound Sexp given its concrete syntax.

The logic of the traversal of compound expressions is captured in the following functions.

// Exp -> <DefineExp> | <Cexp>
// <Sexp> = <CompoundSexp> | <Token>
export const parseL1Exp = (sexp: Sexp): Result<Exp> =>
    isEmpty(sexp) ? makeFailure("Exp cannot be an empty list") :
    isCompoundSexp(sexp) ? 
        isNonEmptyList<Sexp>(sexp) ? parseL1CompoundExp(first(sexp), rest(sexp)) :
        makeFailure(`Exp cannot be a list of single token: ${sexp}`) :
    isToken(sexp) ? parseL1Atomic(sexp) :
// Compound -> DefineExp | CompoundCExp
export const parseL1CompoundExp = (op: Sexp, params: Sexp[]): Result<Exp> => 
    op === "define"? parseDefine(params) :
    parseL1CompoundCExp(op, params);

// CompoundCExp -> AppExp
export const parseL1CompoundCExp = (op: Sexp, params: Sexp[]): Result<CExp> =>
    parseAppExp(op, params);

// CExp -> AtomicExp | CompondCExp
export const parseL1CExp = (sexp: Sexp): Result<CExp> =>
    isCompoundSexp(sexp) ?
        isNonEmptyList<Sexp>(sexp) ? parseL1CompoundCExp(first(sexp), rest(sexp)) :
        makeFailure(`L1CExp cannot be an empty list`) :
    isToken(sexp) ? parseL1Atomic(sexp) :

// AppExp -> ( <cexp>+ )
export const parseAppExp = (op: Sexp, params: Sexp[]): Result<CExp> =>
    bind(parseL1CExp(op), (rator: CExp) =>
         mapv(mapResult(parseL1CExp, params), (rands: CExp[]) =>
              makeAppExp(rator, rands)));

The complete code of the L1 parser is available in L1/L1-ast.ts with tests in test/L1/L1-ast.test.ts.

Scoping and Binding of Variables

On the basis of the syntactic structure of program expressions, one can specify formally and precisely important properties of the program. We start with an example of such syntactic properties called variable binding [see Essentials of Programming Languages 2nd ed, Friedman, Wand and Haynes, Section 1.3],

In Scheme as well as in JavaScript, Java and many other languages, variables can occur in two different ways in a program:

A variable reference uses a variable - and refers to its value. For example, in the expression (+ 1 x), x refers to a value that was previously attached to the variable.

In contrast, a variable declaration defines a new variable as an abstraction (a name) for a value. For example, in Scheme, in the expressions (lambda (x) ...) or (let ((x ...)) ...), x is declared as a new variable. In the lambda case, the value of x will be provided when the function is invoked; in the let case, the value of x is provided in the binding location of the let-expression.

Variable declarations usually have limited scope, so that the same variable may be reused in different places in the program. This means that the name x in different locations of the program may refer to different variables. In the case of lambda and let, the declared variables are visible only within the scope of the body of the expressions.

Programming languages come with rules which determine how variable references relate to variable declarations. These are called binding rules. In Scheme, these rules are syntactic rules - that is, the relation can be computed by analyzing the AST of the program without executing it. Another way of saying this is that binding is a static property as opposed to a dynamic property which would depend on a specific execution of the program.

Static properties are defined through structural induction - that is, they are defined for all possible types of expressions by going over the list of all possible expression types defined in the abstract syntax of the language.

Binding Rules for Scheme

Free and Bound Variables

A variable x occurs free in an expression E if and only if there is some use of x in E that is not bound by any declaration of x in E.

A variable x occurs bound in an expression E if and only if there is some use of x in E that is bound by a declaration of x in E.


((lambda (x) x) y)
(lambda (y)
  ((lambda (x) x) y))

The algorithm to determine whether a variable occurs free in an expression is encoded as the typical traversal of the AST, using the same recipe as we used to compute the height of an expression (Eheight): this is a structural induction over the disjoint union types that define the Scheme AST:

export const occursFree = (v: string, e: Program | Exp): boolean =>
    isBoolExp(e) ? false :
    isNumExp(e) ? false :
    isStrExp(e) ? false :
    isLitExp(e) ? false :
    isVarRef(e) ? (v === e.var) :
    isIfExp(e) ? occursFree(v, e.test) || occursFree(v, e.then) || occursFree(v, e.alt) :
    isProcExp(e) ? ! includes(v, map((p) => p.var, e.args)) &&
                   some((b) => occursFree(v, b), e.body) :
    isPrimOp(e) ? false :
    isAppExp(e) ? occursFree(v, e.rator) ||
                  some((rand) => occursFree(v, rand), e.rands) :
    isDefineExp(e) ? (v !== e.var.var) && occursFree(v, e.val) :
    isLetExp(e) ? false : // TODO
    isProgram(e) ? false : // TODO

The complete code is available in L3/freeVars.ts with tests in test/L3/freeVars.test.ts.

Collecting Variable References from an Expression

An extension of this algorithm consists of collecting all the variables that are referenced in a given expression.

export const referencedVars = (e: Parsed | Error): ReadonlyArray<VarRef> =>
    isBoolExp(e) ? [] :
    isNumExp(e) ? [] :
    isStrExp(e) ? [] :
    isLitExp(e) ? [] :
    isPrimOp(e) ? [] :
    isVarRef(e) ? [e] :
    isIfExp(e) ? union(referencedVars(e.test), referencedVars(e.then), referencedVars(e.alt)) :
    isAppExp(e) ? union(referencedVars(e.rator),
                        reduce(union, [], map(referencedVars, e.rands))) :
    isProcExp(e) ? reduce(union, [], map(referencedVars, e.body)) :
    isDefineExp(e) ? referencedVars(e.val) :
    isProgram(e) ? reduce(union, [], map(referencedVars, e.exps)) :
    isLetExp(e) ? [] : // TODO

Note how the structure of this function, is again a traversal of the AST according to the type definition - this function has a structure almost identical to any AST visitor.

By combining referencedVars and occursFree we can obtain the list of variables that occur free within an expression.

Distinguishing Variable Declaration and Variable References in Abstract Syntax

Since we make a distinction between the two positions of variables, we can change the abstract syntax to represent variable declarations and variable references as two different data types.

This is reflected in this updated BNF - where we define the category <cexpLA> for “expression with lexical address”:

;; <cexpLA> ::= <number>                           / num-exp(val:number)
;;         |  <boolean>                            / bool-exp(val:boolean)
;;         |  <string>                             / str-exp(val:string)
;;         |  ( quote <sexp> )                     / literal-exp(val:sexp)
;;         |  <var-ref>                            / var-ref(var:string)
;;         |  ( lambda ( <var-decl>* ) <cexpLA>+ ) / proc-expLA(params:List(var-decl), body:List(cexp))
;;         |  ( if <cexpLA> <cexpLA> <cexpLA> )    / if-expLA(test: cexpLA, then: cexpLA, else: cexpLA)
;;         |  ( <cexpLA> <cexpLA>* )               / app-expLA(rator:cexpLA, rands:List(cexpLA))

To simplify - we ignore here define-exp and let-exp.

The atomic expression types can be reused from the previous AST definition (number, boolean, string). Literal expressions are also unchanged. We distinguish between var-decl and var-ref as two distinct categories, which are both mapped in concrete syntax to identifiers. But the appropriate category is selected based on the context of the identifier: in the paramater list of a lambda-expression, identifiers are interpreted as var-decl, elsewhere, as var-ref. Compound expressions have the same structure as in the original syntactic definition, but refer to the new type cexpLA instead of cexp.

The corresponding parser / unparser and AST definitions are provided in L3/lexicalAddress.ts with tests in test/L3/lexicalAddress.test.ts.

Determining the Scope of Variable Declarations

In the lexically scoped language we are used to, the same variable name can be used in different scopes to refer to different variables. For example:

((lambda (x) (* x x))  ; 1
 ((lambda (x) (+ x x)) ; 2

The variable references in line 1 refer to the declaration in the first lambda in line 1, and those in line 2, to the second lambda declaration in line 2.

(lambda (x y)             ; 1 
  ((lambda (x) (+ x y))   ; 2
   (+ x x)) 1)            ; 3

These relations between variable reference and variable declarations are static properties - they only depend on the syntactic structure of the expression.

Lexical Address

One way to disambiguate variable references is to replace them with their lexical address: the lexical address determines in an unambiguous manner the variable declaration to which a variable reference is bound.

To define lexical address it helps to define the contour of a sub-expression within an embedding expression: each time a new declaration scoped is defined (using a lambda or let expression in our language), a new contour is defined. Contours are embedded into each other. Contours correspond to the scope of the declaration.

In the example above, there is a contour started at line 1 with the lambda declaration, and a second embedded contour in line 2.

Variable references can refer to the declarations in the contours in which they appear - starting from the inner declaration, and looking outwards.

For example, in line 2, the x reference looks up to the declaration in the inner contour in line 2; the y reference looks up to the external declaration in the outer contour in line 1.

To indicate these relations, we define a lexical address as a tuple: [var : depth pos] where:

For example, the lexical addresses annotations for the expressions above is:

((lambda (x) (* [x : 0 0] [x : 0 0]))  ; 1
 ((lambda (x) (+ [x : 0 0] [x : 0 0])) ; 2

The variable references in line 1 refer to the declaration in the first lambda in line 1, and those in line 2, to the second lambda declaration in line 2.

(lambda (x y)                             ; 1 
  ((lambda (x) (+ [x : 0 0] [y : 1 1]))   ; 2
   (+ [x : 0 0] [x : 0 0])) 1)            ; 3

Note that the variable references + and * in these examples are not bound to any declaration. This is because they occur free in the expression.

In this case, we annotate them as [var free] as follows:

((lambda (x) ([* free] [x : 0 0] [x : 0 0]))  ; 1
 ((lambda (x) ([+ free] [x : 0 0] [x : 0 0])) ; 2

The variable references in line 1 refer to the declaration in the first lambda in line 1, and those in line 2, to the second lambda declaration in line 2.

(lambda (x y)                                    ; 1 
  ((lambda (x) ([+ free] [x : 0 0] [y : 1 1]))   ; 2
   ([+ free] [x : 0 0] [x : 0 0])) 1)            ; 3

Computing the Lexical Address of Variable References

Since the relation between a variable reference and its corresponding variable declaration is unambiguous according to the syntax of the language, we can design an algorithm which computes the lexical address of all variable references in an expression.

In order to design this algorithm, we must consider how we perform the task of finding the declaration that matches a variable reference. The best way to visualize this process is to observe the AST as a tree. When we traverse the tree top-down, and reach a variable-reference node - we are in a leaf-position (because variable reference nodes have no constituent sub-expressions - they are leaves in the AST). To locate the corresponding declaration, we must traverse the AST upwards from this variable reference leaf, until we find a proc-exp node. When we find this node, we check the parameters list of the proc-exp and verify whether the variable name occurs in the parameters list. If it does, this is the declaration that matches the variable reference. We must also identify the position of the variable name within the parameters - this gives us a lexical address of (<var> : 0 pos).

If the variable is not found in the parameters list, we continue climbing up the tree - but each time we cross a “contour” (that is, we cross a proc-exp node), we increase the “depth” parameter by one.

Another way to achieve this matching, if we need to compute the lexical address of all variable references is to traverse the AST top-down and keeping track, each time we traverse a contour (a proc-exp node) of the list of visible variable declarations.

For example, in the expression:

(lambda (x y)                                    ; 1 
  ((lambda (x) ([+ free] [x : 0 0] [y : 1 1]))   ; 2
   ([+ free] [x : 0 0] [x : 0 0])) 1)            ; 3

We start at the top of the AST, the list of visible variable declarations is empty ‘(). We then cross the node (lambda (x y) ...) - the list is now ( x y ). Any match we may find now will be with depth 0. So we actually maintain a list of lexical addresses: ( [x:0 0] [y:0 1] ).

We continue the traversal of the AST and reach the contour (lambda (x) ...) in line 2. We now update the list of visible variable declarations to be ( [x:0 0] ) which has now priority, followed by ( [x:1 0] [y:1 1] ) - meaning, we incremented the depth of the visible variables - because in the scope of the new contour, to reach x and y from the outer declaration requires going “up to depth 1” instead of 0. This means that when we cross a contour, the list of visible lexical addresses becomes ([x:0 0] [x:1 0] [y:1 1]). Note that this list is sorted by depth (0, then 1, …). In this example, the first [x:0 0] “hides” the previous declaration [x:1 0] - which is what is expected.

Given this way of maintaining the list of visible lexical addresses for accessible variable declarations, we can define the algorithm to retrieve the lexical address of a variable reference.
We start with the definition of the types needed to encode lexical addresses:

AST extension for lexical-address annotations
<address> ::= <free-var> | <lexical-address>
<free-var> ::= [<identifier> free]                       / free-var(var)
<lexical-address> ::= [<identifier> : <number> <number>] / lexical-address(var:string, depth:Number, pos:Number]
export type LexAddress = FreeVar | LexicalAddress;
export const isLexAddress = (x: any): x is LexAddress => isFreeVar(x) || isLexicalAddress(x);

export type FreeVar = {
    tag: "FreeVar";
    var: string;
export const isFreeVar = (x: any): x is FreeVar => (typeof(x) === 'object') && (x.tag === "FreeVar");
export const makeFreeVar = (v: string): FreeVar => ({tag: "FreeVar", var: v});

export type LexicalAddress = {
    tag: "LexicalAddress";
    var: string;
    depth: number;
    pos: number;
export const isLexicalAddress = (x: any): x is LexicalAddress =>
    (typeof(x) === "object") && (x.tag === "LexicalAddress");
export const makeLexicalAddress = (v: string, depth: number, pos: number): LexicalAddress =>
    ({tag: "LexicalAddress", var: v, depth: depth, pos: pos});
export const makeDeeperLexicalAddress = (la: LexicalAddress): LexicalAddress =>
    makeLexicalAddress(la.var, la.depth + 1, la.pos);

The following procedure implements the algorithm to retrieve the lexical address of a variable reference:

Purpose: get the closest enclosing lexical address given a variable name.
Signature: getLexicalAddress(var, lexicalAddresses)
Pre-conditions: Lexical-addresses are sorted by depth
getLexicalAddress((var-ref b), [[lex-addr a 0 0], [lex-addr b 0 1]])
=> [LexAddr b 0 1]
getLexicalAddress((var-ref c), [[lex-addr a 0 0], [lex-addr b 0 1]])
=> [FreeVar c]
getLexicalAddress((var-ref a), [[lex-addr a 0 0], [lex-addr b 0 1], [lex-add a 1 1]])
=> [LexAddr a 0 0]
export const getLexicalAddress = (v: VarRef, lexAddresses: LexAddress[]): LexAddress => {
    const loop = (addresses: LexAddress[]): LexAddress =>
        isEmpty(addresses) ? makeFreeVar(v.var) :
        v.var === first(addresses).var ? first(addresses) :
    return loop(lexAddresses);

Note how we mark the variable as occurring free when it is not found in any of the visible declarations.

Observe how we implement iteration by defining a local recursive procedure called loop and invoke it inside the main body of the procedure.

Traversing the Whole AST

The algorithm to compute the lexical address of all variable references is thus implemented as follows:

Purpose: Main function - map all variable reference expressions to their lexical address inside exp.
Signature: addLexicalAddresses(exp)
Type: [ExpLA -> ExpLA]
    (lambda (a b c)
      (if (eq? b c)
          ((lambda (c)
             (cons a c))
(lambda (a b c)
  (if ((eq? free) (b : 0 1) (c : 0 2))
export const addLexicalAddresses = (exp: CExpLA): Result<CExpLA> => {
    const visitProc = (proc: ProcExpLA, addresses: LexicalAddress[]): Result<ProcExpLA> => {
        const newAddresses = crossContour(proc.params, addresses);
        return mapv(mapResult(b => visit(b, newAddresses), proc.body), (bs: CExpLA[]) => 
                    makeProcExpLA(proc.params, bs));
    const visit = (exp: CExpLA, addresses: LexicalAddress[]): Result<CExpLA> =>
        isBoolExp(exp) ? makeOk(exp) :
        isNumExp(exp) ? makeOk(exp) :
        isStrExp(exp) ? makeOk(exp) :
        isVarRef(exp) ? makeOk(getLexicalAddress(exp, addresses)) :
        isFreeVar(exp) ? makeFailure(`unexpected LA ${exp}`) :
        isLexicalAddress(exp) ? makeFailure(`unexpected LA ${exp}`) :
        isLitExp(exp) ? makeOk(exp) :
        isIfExpLA(exp) ? bind(visit(exp.test, addresses), (test: CExpLA) =>
                              bind(visit(exp.then, addresses), (then: CExpLA) =>
                                   mapv(visit(exp.alt, addresses), (alt: CExpLA) =>
                                        makeIfExpLA(test, then, alt)))) :
        isProcExpLA(exp) ? visitProc(exp, addresses) :
        isAppExpLA(exp) ? bind(visit(exp.rator, addresses), (rator: CExpLA) =>
                               mapv(mapResult(rand => visit(rand, addresses), exp.rands), (rands: CExpLA[]) =>
                                    makeAppExpLA(rator, rands))) :
    return visit(exp, []);

The function is used as follows:

describe('addLexicalAddress', () => {
    it('works...', () => {
        const f = (s: string): Result<Sexp> =>
            bind(LA.parseLA(s), cexpla => 
                 mapv(LA.addLexicalAddresses(cexpla), cexpla => 

        expect(f("(lambda (x) x)")).toEqual(makeOk(["lambda", ["x"], ["x", ":", "0", "0"]]));
        expect(f("(lambda (x) (lambda (y) (+ x y)))")).toEqual(
            makeOk(["lambda", ["x"], ["lambda", ["y"], [["+", "free"], ["x", ":", "1", "0"], ["y", ":", "0", "0"]]]])
        expect(f("((lambda (x) (* x x)) ((lambda (x) (+ x x)) 2))")).toEqual(
            makeOk([["lambda", ["x"], [["*", "free"], ["x", ":", "0", "0"], ["x", ":", "0", "0"]]], 
                    [["lambda", ["x"], [["+", "free"], ["x", ":", "0", "0"], ["x", ":", "0", "0"]]], "2"]])

The corresponding parser / unparser and AST definitions are provided in L3/lexicalAddress.ts with tests in test/L3/lexicalAddress.test.ts.

Rewriting ASTs

Recall that we introduced the let-expression in the previous lectures as a syntactic abbreviation. This means that when we define the operational semantic of the language, we do not need to define a new computation rule for this expression type, instead we indicate that this expression is equivalent to a combination of other syntactic constructs that mean the same thing.

In the case of let the syntactic transformation leading to a simpler equivalent construct is:

(let ((var1 val1) ...) body) => ((lambda (var1 ...) body) val1 ...)

For example:

(let ((x 1) (y 2))
  (+ x y))

((lambda (x y) (+ x y))
 1 2)

Such syntactic transformations are implemented by mapping AST values containing let-expressions to semantically equivalent AST values that only contain lambda applications.

Purpose: rewrite a single LetExp as a lambda-application form
Signature: rewriteLet(cexp)
Type: [LetExp => AppExp]
const rewriteLet = (e: LetExp): AppExp => {
    const vars = map((b) => b.var, e.bindings);
    const vals = map((b) => b.val, e.bindings);
    return makeAppExp(
            makeProcExp(vars, e.body),

This definition only applies on a single let-expression. To perform the transformation at all levels within an arbitrary expression, we must visit the AST top-down and apply the transformation whereever needed. This is implemented in this function, which has the typical structural induction structure of traversing all possible AST values:

Purpose: rewrite all occurrences of let in an expression to lambda-applications.
Signature: rewriteAllLet(exp)
Type: [Program | Exp -> Program | Exp]
export const rewriteAllLet = (exp: Program | Exp): Program | Exp =>
    isExp(exp) ? rewriteAllLetExp(exp) :
    isProgram(exp) ? makeProgram(map(rewriteAllLetExp, exp.exps)) :
    exp; // never

const rewriteAllLetExp = (exp: Exp): Exp =>
    isCExp(exp) ? rewriteAllLetCExp(exp) :
    isDefineExp(exp) ? makeDefineExp(exp.var, rewriteAllLetCExp(exp.val)) :
    exp; // never

const rewriteAllLetCExp = (exp: CExp): CExp =>
    isAtomicExp(exp) ? exp :
    isLitExp(exp) ? exp :
    isIfExp(exp) ? makeIfExp(rewriteAllLetCExp(exp.test),
                             rewriteAllLetCExp(exp.alt)) :
    isAppExp(exp) ? makeAppExp(rewriteAllLetCExp(exp.rator),
                               map(rewriteAllLetCExp, exp.rands)) :
    isProcExp(exp) ? makeProcExp(exp.args, map(rewriteAllLetCExp, exp.body)) :
    isLetExp(exp) ? rewriteAllLetCExp(rewriteLet(exp)) :
    exp; // never

Observe how the same exact programming pattern is used as for the case of computing lexical addresses - in the form of a transformation function for nodes of type LetExp and a walker function which traverses a complete AST from root to leaves and applies a transformation to each node.
