Semantics of Programming Languages and Types

PPL 2023

This lecture introduces notion of programming language semantics and the role of types in programming languages in the context of Functional Programming.

It leads to the definition of the following concepts:

  1. Operational semantics of programming languages
    • High-level definition of programming language semantics
    • Distinguish expressions and values in programming languages
    • Define expression types: atomic vs. compound expressions
    • Define the evaluation algorithm to map expressions to values
  2. Types in programming languages
    • Define value types: atomic vs compound values
    • Define typing errors and type safety
    • Distinguish untyped and typed programming languages
    • Define static and dynamic type checking
  3. Types with TypeScript
    • Illustrate type checking in TypeScript
    • Illustrate the benefits of gradual typing with TypeScript
    • Review the type language of TypeScript:
    • Primitive types vs. Defined types
    • Atomic types vs. Compound types

In the next lecture, we will go deeper into complex data types in TypeScript and review:

Operational Semantics of Programming Languages

This section introduces very briefly the notion of operational semantics for programming languages. We will refine this definition in Chapter 2. This definition will help us define more precisely what is meant by data types.

High-level definition of programming languages semantics

Semantics is the study of the meaning of languages. The word meaning is complex and we must specify what is meant by meaning of a programming language. We adopt here the presentation offered in Chapter 1 of:

Semantics with Applications: A Formal Introduction Hanne Riis Nielson, Flemming Nielson Wiley Professional Computing, Wiley, Second Edition 1999.

A computer language is specified by two main components:

Various tools manipulate programs (compilers, interpreters, debuggers, IDEs, verification tools). All of these tools must agree upon a formal specification of what is expected when we execute the program. The formal semantics of a programming language provides an unambiguous definition of what the execution should achieve.

This formal definition has several uses - among which:

Proving that programs are equivalent is necessary for example to prove that a compiler generates assembly code which is equivalent to the source program. Naturally, we want to be able to prove that this equivalence holds for any possible source program.

Semantic Domain

Formal semantics gives rules for translation from one domain (usually the program’s syntax) to another formally defined domain.

We adopt the Operational Semantics approach which determines that: the meaning of an expression in the programming language is specified by the computation it induces when it is executed on a machine. The operational semantics of a programming language tells us how to execute the program step by step. When we follow this specification, we record the steps and keep track of the state of the computation as steps are executed. The specification determines what is meant by the state and which parts of the state are updated when

Take as example an imperative programming language with global variables and assignment to variables. For this language, the semantics specifies that the state of an execution consists of the list of defined variables and their value at each step.

The result of the execution of a program according to the semantic specification is a derivation sequence which represents the computation history. Each step in the derivation indicates which part of the program was executed, and the state that was reached as a consequence.

In this example, a program is a sequence of assignments:

Initial state: [x:5, y:3, z:7]
Program: "z = x; x = y; y = z;"

Step 1: execute "z=x;" 
    Remaining program: "x=y; y=z;"
    New state: [x:5; y:3, z:5]
Step 2: execute "x=y;"
    Remaining program: "y=z;"
    New state: [x:3, y:3, z:5]
Step 3: execute "y=z;"
    Remaining program: ""
    New state: [x:3, y:5, z:5]

This result can be understood as a representation of the history of the computation - it traces the steps of the execution into primitive steps and the successive states of the computation.

This view is an abstraction - it does not provide all the details of what should happen in a concrete computation on specific hardware. For example, it does not mention registers, translation to machine language, encoding of data types. This computation history is a formal mathematical object which is in the semantic domain.

The rules of the semantics of the specific programming language indicate how to select a sub-expression to evaluate at each step of the computation, and what are the effects on the state of the computation each time a primitive sub-expression is executed.

In summary, the operational semantics of the language maps a program and an initial state to a formal structure - in this case, we informally refer to this structure as a computation history.

Statements vs. Expressions vs. Values

In imperative programs, programs are constructed from statements. A statement is a unit of program execution.

In contrast, in Funcional Programming (FP), programs are expressions. Expressions can either be:

In FP, we do not ‘execute an expression’, but instead we compute its value - a process we call evaluation. The evaluation function maps expressions to values.

The operational semantics of an FP language describes how the evaluation function operates over all possible expressions in the language. It is defined inductively over the syntactic structure of expressions.

In the rest of the course, we will focus on specifying the operational semantics of a functional language.

Types of Expressions

The JavaScript language mixes both expressions and statements - it is a multi-paradigm language. This makes it difficult to describe completely its operational semantics in a concise manner. We will completely define a smaller language in Chapter 2 - here, we only provide an informal description for JavaScript.

Intuitively, the types of expressions we consider are:

The list of these expression types and their structure defines the syntax of the programming language. We intentionally did not include in this partial description the syntax of statements in JavaScript.

Expressions are combined recursively to form trees of compound expressions with atomic expressions at the leaves. For example:

let v = 12;
  (v >= 7) ? (v * 3) : 9

is a compound expression of type let, with 2 sub-expressions - a binding expression v=12 and a body expression which is a conditional ternary expression; in turn, this sub-expression has 3 sub-expressions.

Types of Values

Once an expression is evaluated by applying the evaluation function, it becomes a value. The evaluation function maps expressions to values.

As we can distinguish types of expressions, we can also characterize the set of all possible values in an inductive manner - that is, start from atomic values and then build up compound values which are made up of smaller value parts.

This lecture focuses on the characterization of the domain of values in JavaScript.

Evaluation of Expressions into Values

The operational semantics of an FP language defines the evaluation function. It determines how a top-level expression (the program) is evaluated into a value. This definition is inductive. For each syntactic construct, an evaluation rule indicates how the sub-expressions are evaluated - in which order. At each step of the computation, a sub-expression is evaluated and then substituted by its value in the embedding expression.

There may be a need to describe the state of the computation during this evaluation process - similar to the set of bindings var:value we observed above when describing the operational semantics of a very simple imperative language. But the operations on this state will be quite different from what we observed, as in pure FP languages there is no need to perform variable assignment (because variables are immutable).

The output of the operational semantics is a computation history - but in this chapter we will not describe the computation history - we will only describe the values produced by the evaluation function.

Evaluation Algorithm

Consider the complex expression we presented above:

let v = 12;
  (v >= 7) ? (v * 3) : 9

The evaluation algorithm consists of the following steps: given an expression \(E\)

  1. Identify the toplevel syntactic construct of \(E\) - in our case a let construct.
  2. Identify the immediate sub-expressions of \(E\) - in our case - the binding construct v=12 and the body (rest of \(E\)).
  3. Perform the specific evaluation rule defined for the construct of \(E\) - in this case - the let-evaluation rule is:
    1. Compute the value of the <expr> on the right-hand-side of the binding expression - call it v1.
    2. Add to the state of the computation the binding {v:v1}
    3. Compute the value of the body sub-expression - call it v2.
    4. Remove the binding {v:v1} from the state of the computation.
    5. The value of the overall let construct is v2.

This definition of the evaluation function is recursive: in steps 3.A and 3.C - we invoked the evaluation function recursively on sub-expressions of \(E\).

The evaluation function refers to a state which describes the set of known variables at every single step of the computation, and the values to which they are bound.

This recursive definition must have a base case to terminate. The base case of the recursion consists of evaluating atomic expressions or to invoke atomic primitive operators or functions. For example:

Reduction of Expressions

A useful way to think about the evaluation of complex expressions is in terms of reduction.

Consider the following example (adopted from PAPL Section 5.6):

We want to evaluate the following expression, which is a formula for computing the wage of a worker given the number of hours she worked:

let hours=45;
  (hours <= 40) ? hours * 10 :
  (hours > 40) ? (40 * 10) + ((hours - 40) * 15) :

This formula in a more explicit form states that:

if (hours <= 40)
      hours * 10  // 10$ per hour for less than 40 hours a week
   else if (hours > 40)
      (40 * 10) + ((hours - 40) * 15) // 10$/hour up to 40hrs - 15$ above
       0  // This should not happen.
let hours=45;
  (hours <= 40) ? hours * 10 :
  (hours > 40) ? (40 * 10) + ((hours - 40) * 15) :

Let’s now see how this expression is reduced to a value, using a step-by-step process:

The first step is to substitute the hours variable with 45:

  (45 <= 40) ? 45 * 10 :
  (45 > 40) ? (40 * 10) + ((45 - 40) * 15) :

Next, the conditional part of the ? expression is evaluated, which in this case is false.

=>  false ? 45 * 10 :
    (45 > 40): (40 * 10) + ((45 - 40) * 15) :

Since the condition is false, the next branch is tried. Note that at each step, a sub-expression is evaluated and replaced by its value:

=>  false ? 45 * 10 :
    true: (40 * 10) + ((45 - 40) * 15) :

Since the condition is true, the expression reduces to the body of that branch. After that, it’s just arithmetic (but each step is done in a specific order):

=>  (40 * 10) + ((45 - 40) * 15)
=>  400 + ((45 - 40) * 15)
=>  400 + (5 * 15)
=>  400 + 75
=>  475

This style of reduction is the best way to think about the evaluation of complex expressions. It is called a process of reduction - because the complex expression is incrementally reduced into a value.

Types in Programming Languages

In the same way as expressions can be atomic or compound and built-up into complex recursive programs, the values that are generated by programs can be:

Compound values can be created in the following manner:

NOTE 1: the capability to specify compound values as literal constants is a characteristic of dynamic languages such as JavaScript, Scheme or Python.
It is more difficult to write down compound values in languages such as Java or C++. We will return to this important distinction later.

NOTE 2: the distinction that a value is atomic depends on a language design decision: for example, strings in JavaScript are defined to be immutable atomic values.
This is because there is no accessor that can take apart a string into characters and mutate one of these parts in place.
In contrast, in C and C++, strings are mutable compound (non-atomic) values (arrays of characters). There are functions in JavaScript that can compute a sub-string of a string, but these are string constructors - they compute a new string given another string as input, not accessors which give access to a part of an existing compound string.

Typed vs. Untyped Languages

As you have noted, JavaScript is an untyped language - this means: when we declare variables (using the let construct) or functions (with the function or => constructs), we do not specify the type of the variables or parameters. We also do not need to specify the type returned by the function.

This is in contrast to typed languages such as Java and C++ - which require the programmer to specify the type of all variables before they can be defined or used.

Yet - even if variables are not declared with a type in Javascript, values in JavaScript do have a type – they can be either number or string or boolean or compound values.

Why would we want or not want to declare the type of variables?

What are the benefits of each of the approaches?

Typing Errors at Runtime

In the description of the evaluation function above, we indicated that expressions are traversed recursively, til atomic expressions are evaluated (into numbers, booleans or strings) and primitive operators or functions are invoked (for example (v >= 7)).

When primitive operators or functions are invoked - we can obtain errors at runtime because the value which is passed to the operator does not fit the type of the primitive operator.
For example, in most languages, the evaluation of (7 >= "a") or (8 + "b")would return an error at runtime because the operators ">=" and + do not know how to operate on a mixture of numbers and strings. This will be the case in Scheme for example as we will see in Chapter 2.

JavaScript Primitives do not Fail

In JavaScript, the language designers took a different approach: they made the primitive operators extremely flexible and robust. So that evaluations of strange expressions do not trigger a runtime error - but instead do either automatic conversions or return special values indicating an impossible value.

For example:

"a" > 2
// => false
2 + "ab"
// =>    '2ab'
"a" * 2
// =>    NaN

NaN is a special value which means “Not a Number”.

"a" && true
// =>     true

Non-boolean values are interpreted as boolean when they appear as arguments to boolean operators such as && and ||. Arithmetic operations are defined over strings and numbers.

So that overall - primitive operations in JavaScript do not fail easily.

This is a dubious decision - as such automatic handling of unexpected variations is most often a sign of poorly written code and produces surprising results.

Accessors to Compound Values in JavaScript do not Fail

Another decision of the JavaScript designers was to make access to compound values “robust” against runtime errors as well:

let arr=[1];
// =>    undefined
let map={a:1, b:2}
// =>  undefined

Undefined Variables in JavaScript do Fail

Variables access, however, can fail: trying to access an undefined variable raises an error at runtime. When variable expressions are evaluated, it may turn out that the variable is not defined in the current state of the program at the time its value is looked up.

For example:

let b=2;
    c; // Trigger a reference error
// => ReferenceError: c is not defined

Similarly, trying to access a key from an undefined value triggers an error at runtime:

// => ReferenceError: e is not defined

Type Safety

Now that we have seen which errors can be triggered when executing a JavaScript program - and which surprising results may be returned when we combine unexpected value types in primitive operators invocations - we return to our question:

Type safety (see Wikipedia Type Safety) is the extent to which a programming language discourages or prevents type errors. A type error is erroneous or undesirable program behaviour caused by a discrepancy between differing data types for the program’s constants, variables, and methods (functions), e.g., treating an integer (int) as a floating-point number (float).

Type enforcement can be either:

In the context of static (compile-time) type systems, type safety usually involves a guarantee that the eventual value of any expression will be a legitimate member of that expression’s static type.

We will develop the notion of type safety incrementally, after we discuss what are types.

Types of Values

A data type is a classification of data which indicates what the programmer intends to do with the data. Data types are defined along 2 aspects:

Types also determine how the interpreter reads and writes the values, and how it stores the values in memory.

When discussing types, we must distinguish the type of a value and the type of a variable:

In most typed languages, this constraint can be checked at compile time: this is an extremely strong result. It means that the compiler can at compile time guarantee that all possible executions of the program, with all possible input values will satisfy the stated constraint. This static verification (that is, a verification performed at compile-time - without knowing the value of the variables) is called type checking.

Value Types

As mentioned, a value always has a type - this simply states that a value belongs to a set of values. For example, the value 1 belongs to the set of values number - which means that the value 1 has type number.

In most cases, a value will have more than one type: consider for example the case of sub-types such as Integer and Number. Integer as a set of values is a proper subset of Number as a set of values. This means in particular that a value like 6 belongs both to the type Integer and to the type Number.

A good type system helps programmers not only declare the intended types of variables to obtain type safety, it also helps the programmer design the range of values the program will process and produce. This is a constructive process which helps structure the set of all possible values in meaningful ways and also document the domain upon which programs operate.

As we write more complex programs over more complex data structures - we will feel more strongly the benefit of describing precise data types - which will also guide the structure of the code we write to operate over them.

Types and Set Relations

Since types denote set of values, we can define relations among types that are similar to set relations:

This last construction opens the door to compound data types - that is, types which contains values that have sub-components.

We will see later that most typed programming languages allow programmers to define new types (user-defined types) on the basis of primitive types (types provided by the language) by using set theory operations like Union, Intersection or Cartesian Product.

Different languages offer various levels of introspection (often called reflection) to enable the analysis of the type of values at runtime, or at interpretation/compile time.

In JavaScript (the underlying language into which TypeScript is translated), variables are not typed, values have a type (which is encoded in the binary representation of the values in memory) and the typeof primitive operator can be used to inspect the type of values at runtime. Primitives in JavaScript use this introspection mechanism to decide how to operate on each combination of value types they receive as parameters.

In contrast, in Java and C/C++, primitive values (non-object values such as integers, booleans, characters, pointers and references) cannot be inspected at runtime: values of different types (for example a char, a boolean or an integer) are encoded in binary format in RAM without any distinctive sign that could be used at runtime to determine that the value belongs to different types.

Types in TypeScript

We now describe the basic data types manipulated in TypeScript. The online reference is available in the TypeScript Tutorial:

TypeScript is a language built on top of JavaScript: it adds optional type declarations to variables (which do not exist in JavaScript). The TypeScript compiler (invoked by the command line tool tsc) translates TypeScript into JavaScript. During the translation, the TypeScript compiler performs type checking - which we will explain later.

Atomic Primitive Value Types

Simple values can have the following primitive data types in TypeScript:

// =>     number
//        boolean
//        string

There are two special value types that are not useful on their own - but will play an important role when we start building more complex types:

undefined plays a special role in the lifecycle of variables. We will return to this when we discuss the types of variables (as opposed to the type of values which are we now reviewing).

let null1 = null;
let undef = undefined;


// =>     object
//        undefined

NOTE: the value of the expression typeof null returns object - this is a well-known error in JavaScript that has not yet been cleaned up - null should still be understood as a distinct atomic primitive value type - not as a compound type.

Compound Value Types

In contrast to atomic values, one can also define compound values - which are values that are built from multiple parts. There are two basic compound types in TypeScript:

Values of arrays are written as literal constants of the form [1, 2, 3].

Maps are written as literal constants of the form: { a : 1, b : 2 }

Any value that is not an atomic value is a compound value - which is called in Javascript an object value.

NOTE: The term of object is confusing in this context - it does not refer to objects as used in the more standard context of object oriented programming. Object in this context means any value which is not an atomic value type.

let arr1 = [1, 2, 3],
    arr2 = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

// =>     object
//       object
let map1 = { a : 1, b : 2},
    map2 = { 'a' : 1, 'b' : 2};

// =>     object
//       object

NOTE: Notice that the primitive typeof operator is limited in its capability to distinguish the types of values, even if they are very different. We will see later that TypeScript improves on this operator tremendously.

More specific reflection operators allow finer distinction in the types of values, for example:

let arrIns = [1, 2],
    mapIns = { a:1 }
  console.log(arrIns instanceof Array);
  console.log(mapIns instanceof Array);

// =>    true
//       false

Compound values can be entered as constant literals (as above) or can be constructed by invoking the appropriate constructors and mutators (functions which incrementally change a value).

For example:

let arrConstructed = Array(1,2,3)
// =>     [ 1, 2, 3 ]
let mapConstructed = {}
  mapConstructed.a = 1
  mapConstructed.b = 2
// =>  { a: 1, b: 2 }

Compound Value Getters

Compound values can be “taken apart” by using getters - for arrays, using indexes which refer to the positions of the items within the array, and for maps using key values. In addition, the slice() method of arrays can return a range of values from within the array:

let arrInd = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
    console.log(arrInd[0])          // Array indexes start at 0
    console.log(arrInd.slice(1))    // Extract from item 1 to the end.
    console.log(arrInd.slice(1,4))  // Extract from item 1 to 4 - 4 not included.

// =>     a
//    b
//    [ 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ]
//    [ 'b', 'c', 'd' ]

Maps are collections of pairs (key, value).

Map getters use the key to access the value.

Alternatively, the dot notation m.k can be used when the key is a string.

let mapInd = { a : 1, b : 2 }   // Note that keys which are strings in key position can skip the quotes - this is the same as { "a" : 1, "b" : 2}

// =>     1
//    1
//    2
//    2

The method Object.keys(x) returns the list of the keys which are defined for any compound values. It operates both on arrays (the keys are the indexes) and on maps.

let mapKey = { a : 1, b : 2},
    arrKey = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

// =>    [ 'a', 'b' ]
//    [ '0', '1', '2' ]

Alternatively, one can use the generalized for loops over arrays and maps:

// The backquote notation can be used to generate "interpolated strings"
// The notation ${expression} in such a string is replaced by the value of the expression converted to a string.
for (let k in mapKey) {
  console.log(`${k} has value ${mapKey[k]}`);  
for (let i in arrKey) {
  console.log(`${i} has value ${arrKey[i]}`);
// =>
//    a has value 1
//    b has value 2
//    0 has value a
//    1 has value b
//    2 has value c

Variable Types in TypeScript: Gradual Typing

In static languages like C++ and Java, variables must be typed - that is, when a variable is defined, its type must be declared by the programmer.

In dynamically typed languages like JavaScript and Scheme, variables are not typed.
But when a variable is bound to a value, we can inspect its type at runtime (because values are always typed).

TypeScript extends JavaScript and introduces optional variable types. TypeScript is compiled into JavaScript - and at compilation time, type checking is performed. There is no additional type checking happening at runtime after compilation has completed.

Typing annotations can be introduced gradually as code matures. (See Wikipedia Gradual Typing).

Typing a variable means that the programmer declares how she intends to use the variable - which values it can be bound to. In TypeScript, this is performed by adding a type annotation to variable declarations:

let typedVarNum  : number = 6,
    typedVarStr  : string = "blue",
    typedVarBool : boolean = true;



Compound Types Operations